Author Topic: Young "Love"  (Read 21067 times)

A friend of mine was with some guy. She found out he cheated on her with another girl from the girl he was cheating with. She broke up with him. Two days later, he had a new girlfriend. and it wasn't the one he cheated with. Another guy at my school is a loving whore. He's had 21 girlfriends in counting, just this year. Luckly for everyone else, every girl he breaks up with hates his guts. All of them want him dead.
He's a player, applaud him!

My cousin married his first and only girlfriend he met in 7th grade, he now has a one year old baby.
i lol'd

not tryin to sound like a mondo douche bag but i bet half the guys in this thread saying "HIGH SCHOOL RELATIONSHIPS ARE WRONG" are also the guys who have never had a girlfriend

seriously, i'm sure all of you have just liked a girl before. being in a relationship with her won't do anything wrong for you if she isn't a total bitch/you can keep it going.

Yeah that girl I raged about so many years ago? Turns out she never said anything to me and it was my impulsive nature that made me believe she did. I've felt like a total starfish ever since. I have the conversation we had on Facebook saved somewhere.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2010, 03:29:15 PM by Super Yoshi Bro »

Wow, some pretty hevy stuff here.  I know what i'm talking about.

morning and oleg are idiots, simply not being married does not increase your chnance of getting a std

6th graders belive they HAVE to have a boyfriend/girlfriend then break up only seconds later not knowing eachother's names.

6th graders belive they HAVE to have a boyfriend/girlfriend then break up only seconds later not knowing eachother's names.
Where the forget did that come from?

friends with benefits
I have no idea why, but this phrase just pisses me off. Maybe its because I'm socially awkward and it's 'code' for general loveual activities in which I do not partake in, but something about it just makes me raeg.

Where the forget did that come from?
My brother's in sixth grade, MAYBE?

My brother's in sixth grade, MAYBE?
Doesn't matter, that was a stupid post, like more stupid then mine usually are. "For some reason sixth graders like myself feel like they need girlfriends then break up with them in the same minute."

Everyone in highschool is emotionally handicapped, or just plain handicapped. I also don't see the benefits of having a girlfriend over having a girl thats a friend unless you're having love with her and you have to be in a "relationship" for that to happen

Everyone in highschool is emotionally handicapped, or just plain handicapped. I also don't see the benefits of having a girlfriend over having a girl thats a friend unless you're having love with her and you have to be in a "relationship" for that to happen
You're saying the only reason to be friends with females is to have love with them.

You are stupid.

You're saying the only reason to be friends with females is to have love with them.

You are stupid.

It was probably poorly written, but I was saying I see no difference between girlfriend and friend at all unless its love.