
What do you think of my maps?

Horrible >:O
25 (5.1%)
3 (0.6%)
Not so great.
4 (0.8%)
15 (3.1%)
They're alright.
40 (8.1%)
86 (17.5%)
318 (64.8%)

Total Members Voted: 486

Author Topic: Ostinyo's Maps - Goodbye old friends :(  (Read 191976 times)

I'm gonna miss these...

I'm gonna miss these...
you weren't here to even play on these maps

you weren't here to even play on these maps

forget off. he can play them RIGHT NOW. the downloads aren't down, and v21 isn't out.

I have a feeling that the last part Eric is working on is the "coded flat plane".

Dismiss updater.

When you download v14 it just opens Blockland Launcher. There's no bypassing the launcher.

am i an old friend

i will miss these

When you download v14 it just opens Blockland Launcher. There's no bypassing the launcher.

Why does v14 have a launcher? Who's providing this?

Why does v14 have a launcher? Who's providing this?

>download v14
>opens blockland
>blockland launcher pops up

When you download v14 it just opens Blockland Launcher. There's no bypassing the launcher.

that's because Badspot changed most of the downloads for old versions to redirects to v20

>download v14
>opens blockland
>blockland launcher pops up

Well that sucks.

Well that sucks.
But that might be a good thing.
It would improve are building skills
With GSF terrain bricks we can build maps with no coding
Have you ever noticed how no rebuild in GSF paradise