Author Topic: Lost my Build  (Read 1846 times)

Well then.
rather then building a playground for newcigarettes why don't you grow a pair and beat my challenge.
Lol Skill, you rage quit my challenge  :cookieMonster:

Alright guys, I got it back, I googled where you could find old files from Compatability Files and I got it :)

Problem solved <3

But skill still ragequit  :cookieMonster:

 Pfft. I beat skill's, proving my "Manliness".

Skill is not even manly enough to complete my "playground".

Even though I'm glad to hear you got your save back, I'm shocked at the idiocy of people complaining about every little thing.

Is it me, or is this something that has nothing to do with what is supposed to be posted on this section?
You could have posted this in General Discussion.
Christ, there are 4 other boards you could have posted this in.
You guys really need to complain about everything?

Alright guys, I got it back, I googled where you could find old files from Compatability Files and I got it :)

Problem solved <3

But skill still ragequit  :cookieMonster:
Please link me c:

Skill is not even manly enough to complete my "playground".
bro i left to fap and you bash on me and say i ragequit.

I can't believe you guys are actually trying to argue with me on what board this is on, whys it matter so much that it is in this one?
Drama is for interpersonal conflicts. If you have a problem with someone else, bring it up here. Read the pinned topic on top of the list: Bad things happening to you is not drama.

i lost one of the biggest projects i'd made when i re-installed

Yeah just lost the project I've been working on for a week.
Was a challenge/adventure.
Lost it cause I had Blockland installed to Program files on windows 7, Marcem told me this wasn't that great and should move it to Local Disk C:.  So I did but all my recent saves and screenshots were in that stupid "Compatibility Files" folder button thing and I lost all of it :\

If anyone has been to my server recently and has a save or something can you hook me up with a Download?  That'd be great.
just look in "backup" as a map when loading, it could be there