Author Topic: Drawings Megathread  (Read 3630773 times)

so I'm creating a story and I just drew the preliminary design for the main antagonist's weapon, "Verschlinger"
probably the best sword I've drawn in a while

the other weapon is the main protagonist's, if you've seen my weapons thread I've posted it there before but it didn't have a name
I gave it one but I'm pretty sure it's going to change

oh and both are to scale so uh yeah
not fun for the protagonist

that's a cool loving sword!

satan demon hellfire goat sword?


yeah right now it's metal af but I'm hoping to make it more ornate and less satanic with later renditions

Not the weirdest ive seen, get this..
Curved swords. CURVED. SWORDS.

real swords have curves

bodypaint girl with some actual friggin bodypaint for once

i'd like to see how well that would actually work

probably like a sickle with two other sickles attached to the top

i'd like to see how well that would actually work

stab someone in the side and start sawing them

bodypaint girl with some actual friggin bodypaint for once
question : : :
why does she always have red bodypaint on her cheeks and face

question : : :
why does she always have red bodypaint on her cheeks and face
that's just blushing