AI Players

Author Topic: AI Players  (Read 7943 times)

skylord is barely online anymore, and fishpen, what about my bots? You've been to my server many times and seen them. They may not have many commands, but if I release them, people will have a good base to start from....(My bots have a 1/5000 chance of exploding every 0.03 seconds LOL)


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skylord is barely online anymore, and fishpen, what about my bots? You've been to my server many times and seen them. They may not have many commands, but if I release them, people will have a good base to start from....(My bots have a 1/5000 chance of exploding every 0.03 seconds LOL)

Yeah, I think it is definitely time for you to release them.  You could just update them on the forums whenever you add something.  Also this would be a good way to introduce newer people to them, while they are still fairly simple to operate.

today if you want let me just make it work a little better and i will

look at this

You have just been sent a personal message by -=>RR<=-MasterCE on
Blockland Forum.

IMPORTANT: Remember, this is just a notification. Please do not reply to this

The message they sent you was:

Get out of my turf, I'm the only guy who hosts with bots on anymore.

^^ i pitty his noobness

skylord is barely online anymore, and fishpen, what about my bots? You've been to my server many times and seen them. They may not have many commands, but if I release them, people will have a good base to start from....(My bots have a 1/5000 chance of exploding every 0.03 seconds LOL)

mybe cause my internet was knocked out for a week im on every day other wise trust me if you want this bot mod i will make you all it
« Last Edit: April 21, 2007, 04:01:59 PM by Skylord321 »


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Then make it aalready...although I am slightly loyal to Master CE...I would still download yours...then if you both make and release one, i would test them both and kepp the better one.  Maybe I should place an open dare in the general discussion  forum for anyone who has a bot to compete to make the best bot....maybe later

Someone made a chatbot in RTB.  It didn't have any physical presence on the server, but you could send commands to it in the chat HUD, and it'd respond in various ways.  I think it'd be kind of cool if someone did something similar, but instead of no physical presence, it creates a player/bot/thing that walks around more or less randomly.  You could send commands such as "left" for it to turn left, "right," "forward" for walking, or "stop" for it to stand still.  I think it'd be nifty to have a "helper" bot following you around, acting on your very whims.

Perhaps I've got an overactive imagination, and am asking too much...  Either way, release your bot scripts as an addon please!  I'd love to have bots running around.  Mouser X over and out.

Like Ephi's Sally. She was a good slave ;)

I ported the kittybot from RTB, minus the kittyism. Never released it though.


  • Guest
I ported the kittybot from RTB, minus the kittyism. Never released it though.

Why do you make so much stuff, tell us you made it, and then never release it?  This is the same deal with that tracking missile you claimed you made but wont release...I'm not telling you to stop making it, but don't tell us about it unless you plan on releasing it.  I really like the stuff you make, and I wish you released more of it, just if you're not going to then don't tell us about it.

I ported the kittybot from RTB, minus the kittyism. Never released it though.

Why do you make so much stuff, tell us you made it, and then never release it?  This is the same deal with that tracking missile you claimed you made but wont release...I'm not telling you to stop making it, but don't tell us about it unless you plan on releasing it.  I really like the stuff you make, and I wish you released more of it, just if you're not going to then don't tell us about it.
QFT, why would people do that?

I ported the kittybot from RTB, minus the kittyism. Never released it though.

Why do you make so much stuff, tell us you made it, and then never release it?  This is the same deal with that tracking missile you claimed you made but wont release...I'm not telling you to stop making it, but don't tell us about it unless you plan on releasing it.  I really like the stuff you make, and I wish you released more of it, just if you're not going to then don't tell us about it.

I have made alot of scripts. just i don't release them soon i'm going to make a zombie mod (there is already one just i trust my mods) but yea ill only be releasing them on my site and post the links here. but yea i kinda finished the bot mod here keep in mind this isn't finished but basic commands are

_____________________________ ________________
_____________________________ _______________/

Commandtoserver('botspawn',<put name here>);
Commandtoserver('followplayer',%obj,%obj2);  --Please notice if it is a player put <null>.player as object 2 object 1 cant be a player and object 1 is following object 2 examples bellow


lets say i type in console listclients(); it comes up
1640    Skylord The Master        Local

well the first 4 #'s is the players null (1640 in this case)

now you need the bot spawn somthing with a simple name such as roflmao

now we need the bot to follow the player so we do


the bot should start following
--the botfollowevil command was a old test command most likley wont work--

to stop follow type

its simple dont use my
1640.player line its always diffrent get with listclients

later i will make it easier with a gui
i wont give out any more info i don't want my idea's stolen ;)

thanks for the script

You are welcome.

I have made a new mod that you can add bots to a list that makes it so when
you shoot a weapon, It goes to the collision area.

It is in test and Tommorow i will update it. has the download if you need help please email me or goto my forums.


Video for this mod

-I will upgrade mod over the weekend i will program while in the mountains-
« Last Edit: April 27, 2007, 03:06:20 PM by Skylord321 »

When I checked the link, I clicked Downloads and I didn't see your bot mod there :/

When I checked the link, I clicked Downloads and I didn't see your bot mod there :/$27s+Bot+

the link is on the front page I have not had time to put in downloads yet ^^" sorry.