Author Topic: Pload and Predator: Two handicaps with spray cans.  (Read 7866 times)

-blah bans-
Reminds me of that one zoneark thread.
He spammed someone's house and everybody was like "LOL U GOT TROLD ZONE IS BEST :D"
Then we got chainbanned, including me.
I have to say, you are experiencing two trolls, but based on the look of your shop it can be made in a few minutes anyway :/
No offense, but it was a box with 1x?x5 walls and a 16x16 ceiling.

Had a little Deathmatch on Suburb's yesterday..
Me against, Predator and Pload.
It ended with me jailing Pred, and Pload leavin. c:


I honestly don't see what is so profoundly terrible about what Pload and Predator are doing that makes them worse than anyone else who does this. I mean, sure it's starfish-ish and all, but this stuff happens all the time, why do these two specifically need their own drama topic for it?

Also, what was so bad about the four others who got banned? Where their comments counted as dismissive? I'm just curious.

It's not worse than others who do it.

Also, what was so bad about the four others who got banned? Where their comments counted as dismissive? I'm just curious.

They were congratulating the morons for pulling stuff like this. Badspot doesn't want people encouraging others to forget up peoples gameplay.

Quote from: Placid's sig
BANNED: 1 week, personal messages/posting.
apparently i was cheering on douchebaggery?

I honestly don't see what is so profoundly terrible about what Pload and Predator are doing that makes them worse than anyone else who does this. I mean, sure it's starfish-ish and all, but this stuff happens all the time, why do these two specifically need their own drama topic for it?
Because the OP posted a topic. People do a lot of bad stuff. Doesn't mean you go all or nothing.

I love that server. Skill4Life's and Surburb's CityRP. I'm currently on there fighting off Predator who is rocketspamming.

Chainbans like these make me proud to be a part of this forum. :')

4 ban streak!

Counter-Spy Plane inbound!

Great scott, Predator and Pload still play this game?
I saw tem both recently on Mr. Wallets Socialsim Democracy server. Along with  Greekgeeker, Lord Tony, Rex, and some other big names

4 ban streak!

Counter-Spy Plane inbound!
You're late,
we're all unbanned now

This really supports the fact that no matter how low your ID is you can still be a noob.

I don't understand why you couldn't have asked an admin to deal with them.

But last but not least, you don't have to create drama for one of Blockland's legends. That's like the paparazzi getting dirt on a senator or something.