Author Topic: Mono in Audacity  (Read 3468 times)

Is there a way of making a sound mono using audacity?

That's what i do ;)


1. Split the track into two tracks; One for each speaker. That is done in the drop down menu on the track thingy.
2. Delete one track, and in the drop-down menu on the other one, select mono.

That's it! Save as .ogg and you're done.


  • Administrator
You're better off splitting the tracks, and then selecting mono for both of them, then saving as ogg.  That way you won't lose any of the sound that might only be in one channel. 

Will deleting half cut the file size in half?

One would assume yes.

It does, I've got a stereo track that is 112kb big, I deleted half, and the new size was 56kb.

No surprise there.


  • Administrator
Merging the two tracks together will also reduce the filesize as well.  You don't want to just delete one track because you will lose some of the sound.

If you remove 1 of the tracks, the sound might be different than before(since each track can be different of the other one). Here's what you can do:

1. Pick the file.
2. Goto menu Project > New Audio Track.
3. Cut all the stereoed music.
4. Paste it on the newly added track.
5. Now just remove the previous track.

Cookies, please. :P

I must be the only one who does it the easy way :/

just go to tracks, stereo to mono

What version of Audacity is that?

He's using the 1.3 Beta.

That's the problem Kaje, not everyone has the beta version.
For version 1.2, use my method.

Beta versions aren't safe, I'll wait until it's not beta.