Author Topic: Enter Characters to Continue...  (Read 766 times)

I tried to download something, and got this as my security picture.  I think it's "B - A - Fish ...? - M"

Post your fail security pictures.

...that's an 8.

My friend thought it was a bag of money.

Honestly though, that is a weird 8

It's telling you to be a fish - M.

Jump a pond and swim your life away.

Ooh, is this a captcha comics thread? I love that stuff.

Yay for 4chan

No, this isn't a 4chan comics thread, and I don't get what's funny about them...

No, this isn't a 4chan comics thread, and I don't get what's funny about them...
Its exaopmles of the captcha in comics. I do have a funny stoner one, but I can't find it

The captcha security letter things can burn in hell, sometimes it's impossible to read them.  :/

On 4chan it's a trick to get newcigarettes out. When there's a word which is unreadable, you type either fail, or monday (norly, it's true. Not trying to be tribal.) and it will work.