Author Topic: You must now say yes to the above user  (Read 8198 times)

no u

You'll gift me Magicka

Sure, I'll gift you the Magicka demo.

You will make me a sandwhich.

Yes, but the turkey will be dry

You will say no.

do you think furries are awesome and you would like to be one :coolface: im not a furry by the way

Yes, I don't think they are.

Is yes the only thing you can say?


Do you forget turkeys?

Yes, but only on weekends. c:

Are you a convicted child enthusiast?

Maybe. *shrug*

Do you love me?

yes, but I have problems with domestic abuse.

You will give me a nice computer.

Yes, the one my parents bought in the 99' will do. :)

You are gay.

Here, you can have my cray.

You will delete your account.

Yes, the one my parents bought in the 99' will do. :)

You are gay.

Oh wait. Jeff slow.

Yes, But you killed yourself because you missed me so much.

You will give me 1 million legally obtained dollars

Sure when ever I get that much.

Will you kill badspot?