Author Topic: Better brick textures.  (Read 26406 times)

 Way too dark? Explain.

 I thought you can't see anything it pitch blackness.

Way too dark? Explain.

 I thought you can't see anything it pitch blackness.
The textures are too dark when you look at them in daylight. In night maps they are fine though.

 I thought it gives a highlight cartoon look. 

Bump, we need to keep this alive :3

I really don't like the top stud texture.  If I where to take your old stud edit and use it with these ones.... DAH BE RIGHT BACK.

FINE THEY forget UP THE AVATAR AND MAKE PRINTS LOOK UGLY SO THE ENTIRE PLACE LOOKS UNORGANIZED AND HORRIBLE AND UNCLEAN forget THIS forget THIS forget THIS forget THIS forget THIS forget THIS forget THIS forget THIS forget THIS forget THIS forget THIS forget THIS forget THIS forget THIS forget THIS forget THIS forget THIS forget THIS forget THIS forget THIS forget THIS forget THIS forget THIS forget THIS
Dude anger management xD

Using the new textures with the old stud edit seems to work loveily fine.

So what exactly did you do there?

Took the edited top stud texture from before and used it with his new edits.  I hate the new top stud.

Loving the candy look. Yummy.