Author Topic: "Bridges" - A TDM with an objective.  (Read 4560 times)

I've noticed that there are tons and tons of DM's out there. But the lack of an objective makes most of them boring after a while. So I decided I wanted to build a DM where, unlike everywhere else, actual teamwork is required. Winning or losing is based on the completion of a goal, rather than just killing your enemies. So here it is:

King Leo's "Bridges"

The year is 1941. The german army is on it's way to defeat the red army. They are about to make an important victory, but the destiny of the campaign depends on the breaching of some heavy Soviet fortifications near the city of Moscow. But the german army has an ace up it's sleeves, the heavy siege gun Dora. Unfortunately, german reconnaissance did a bad job and did not spot the heavy soviet fortifications near the planned site of deployment. The railway-crew got killed in the following fight, and the soviet army managed to destroy the nearby railroad. Being the only way of getting access to the railgun, the german reinforcements  lost the ability to supply the railgun with the needed ammunition.

The train cannot continue along the tracks, so the axis team needs to transport the ammunition with something else.

The soviet bunkers are hidden well inside the mountains, but they are perfectly situated to control the two bridges.

The objective
The objective is quite simple:
The Axis team must capture the nearby village and find a transportation vehicle. They must then return to the train and load the ammuntion unto the vehicle. After that, they must drive the ammuntion to the railgun, situated not far away. After succesfully loading the railgun with the supplied ammo, the Axis team will win if they manage to fire the railgun and thereby destroying the vital fortifications of Moscow.

Capturing the nearby village and the transport vehicle will be essential for winning!

The Soviet objective is even easier: they must prevent the railgun from being fired within the next 10 minutes, untill russian reinforcements arrive. The key to winning is to prevent the transportation vehicle from crossing the two bridges. The soviet team starts with a clear advantage in terms of spawnpoints. Their main goal is to push back the axis forces and preventing them from capturing spawnpoints.
Defend the bridges and prevent the ammuntion from reaching the railgun. (lol at the flamethrower in the background :D)

I've included four different classes with different abilities:

-Engineer: This is probably the most important class. The engineer has a wrench, which he can use to arm/disarm explosives at predefined locations.

-Soldier: The soldier is the backbone of the army. He can bring heavy weapons to the battlefield, such as the LMG, grenade-launcher, mortar or flamethrower. Bringing alot of firepower to the battle, and having the ability to mortar the s**t out of the enemy, makes the soldier an invaluable teammate.

-Medic: This player can heal his teammates with the medigun. Keeping the team alive can be the difference between loss and victory. The medic is therefore an important addition to every team.

-Assassin: The perfect class for all your sneaky bastards out there! The assassin gets to choose from a wide variety of lethal weapons, including snipers and silenced pistols. Having the ability to go undercover, the assassin is also perfect for infiltrating the enemy base.

The engineer can place explosives at certain places, such as the tunnel gate.

Feedback needed!
As you can see, this is still WIP. I want to ask the forum a couple of questions:
- Do you like the concept? Do you think it will work in-game? Or is the map too big?
- What should I call it? ("Bridges" kinda sucks :D)
- Suggestions on what to add/remove (build-wise)?
- Suggestions on what to add/remove (event-wise)(should I for example give the engi class some more cool stuff? I think they're kinda under-powered for now. Maybe para-drop?)

Feel free to leave constructive critCIAm!

« Last Edit: May 22, 2011, 07:21:16 PM by King Leo »

Thanks again for inspiring my arctic bridge TDM.
This looks and has always looked very , very hot.

The objective
The objective is quite simple:
The Axis team must capture the nearby village and find a transportation vehicle. They must then return to the train and load the ammuntion unto the vehicle. After that, they must drive the ammuntion to the railgun, situated not far away. After succesfully loading the railgun with the supplied ammo, the Axis team will win if they manage to fire the railgun and thereby destroying the vital fortifications of Moscow.
Capturing the nearby village and the transport vehicle will be essential for winning!

The Soviet objective is even easier: they must prevent the railgun from being fired within the next 10 minutes, untill russian reinforcements arrive. The key to winning is to prevent the transportation vehicle from crossing the two bridges. The soviet team starts with a clear advantage in terms of spawnpoints. Their main goal is to push back the axis forces and preventing them from capturing spawnpoints.

Defend the bridges and prevent the ammuntion from reaching the railgun. (lol at the flamethrower in the background :D)

I've included four different classes with different abilities:

-Engineer: This is probably the most important class. The engineer has a wrench, which he can use to arm/disarm explosives at predefined locations.

-Soldier: The soldier is the backbone of the army. He can bring heavy weapons to the battlefield, such as the LMG, grenade-launcher, mortar or flamethrower. Bringing alot of firepower to the battle, and having the ability to mortar the s**t out of the enemy, makes the soldier an invaluable teammate.

-Medic: This player can heal his teammates with the medigun. Keeping the team alive can be the difference between loss and victory. The medic is therefore an important addition to every team.

-Assasin: The perfect class for all your sneaky bastards out there! The assasin gets to choose from a wide variety of lethal weapons, including snipers and silenced pistols. Having the ability to go undercover, the assasin is also perfect for infiltrating the enemy base.

I surely like your enthusiasm, but some of these things might be hard to fit in, for example, vehicles to transport ammunition. It's both tough to get to the big gun and easy at the same time; the vehicle probably has little health while it can run over people easily. The vehicle keeps spawning and spawning?

Also, the soldier looks too powerful compared to the other classes. The assassin can use snipers and silenced pistols, but the soldier's mortar (unless howitzer?) has unlimited ammo, no spread, long range, and is rather powerful at close range. A grenade launcher each soldier along with mortars will turn this into an explosive DM in which assassins can't even kill.

I surely like your enthusiasm, but some of these things might be hard to fit in, for example, vehicles to transport ammunition. It's both tough to get to the big gun and easy at the same time; the vehicle probably has little health while it can run over people easily. The vehicle keeps spawning and spawning?

Also, the soldier looks too powerful compared to the other classes. The assassin can use snipers and silenced pistols, but the soldier's mortar (unless howitzer?) has unlimited ammo, no spread, long range, and is rather powerful at close range. A grenade launcher each soldier along with mortars will turn this into an explosive DM in which assassins can't even kill.

I guess i could do a "onVehicleSpawn -> SetHealth" thing with the vehicle. I was planning on using the small transporter from the RR pack. It is slow, so running over people won't be a problem.

Every class gets to choose one primary weapon, one secondary weapon, one piece of equipment and a class-specific item. The soldier class will choose from the weapons i mentioned earlier. Therefore, soldiers can't have BOTH a mortar and a grenadelauncher.

As for the explosive-issue, the mortar (this one) has a slow firing rate, and the shell takes a long time before hitting the ground, so I don't think it's overpowered.
I was actually more worried about the Assassin class, since giving them a sniper in a map this large may result in everyone choosing that class.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2011, 05:54:10 PM by King Leo »


Ooopps :P I've misspelled it all over the place -.-

How will they carry the ammo? Or do they just need the vehicle?
Ass in ass.

Looks nice.

My one worry would be map size - with something this big, getting to the battlefield can be a pain. Maybe spawnpoints change as gameplay progresses?

Looks nice.

My one worry would be map size - with something this big, getting to the battlefield can be a pain. Maybe spawnpoints change as gameplay progresses?

They do! That's what the flags are for. There is one spawn for each team, and 3  forward spawns that can be captured as the game goes on.

How will they carry the ammo? Or do they just need the vehicle?
The ammo is loaded on the transport vehicle by driving it back to the supply-train. You must then take the vehicle to the railgun without getting it killed, or it will respawn and you have to try again.