Author Topic: Someone want a free copy of Portal?  (Read 521 times)

Post and I'll consider giving it to you.

You must not:
- Own Portal already
- Act like an idiot on the forums.


I thought it said Portal 2.


i am an official idiot certified from europe and i only own portal as a steam game can i have it

I thought it said Portal 2.


Nope, sorry Nick. I wasted like the last $50 I had on Portal 2. :(

i am an official idiot certified from europe and i only own portal as a steam game can i have it


I wish I had portal D:

If only I had Steam...

If you gifted me Portal, even though I got it during the promo for Portal 2, do you think it would unlock my full steam?
If it would, I would be happy to accept, if you please.
Steam name: Lugnut1206
« Last Edit: April 17, 2011, 01:47:00 AM by Lugnut1206 »

I'd be open to accept a free copy of Portal, please :).

Just got it Friday from Dr. Block. <3