Author Topic: Avatar hotkeys  (Read 3851 times)

I was wondering if anyone could make a hotkey to go cycle through all of your character avatars

What about the buttons ontop? Too hard to click them?

no im just too lazy to go through all the menus and sometimes its necessary to be able to switch between my avatars

What he means is do it quickly, without going to options -> avatar options.
I'd think it would be very convenient to set up your avatars before going in a game and then quickly switching witohut interrupting building or w/e.
Another good option would be deathmatch camo - you could use the hotkey to quickly change colors..

Just 4 buttons, Alt+O, Avatar Options, Number for look, Done button....never really looked at control list, maybe there's avatar keybind I don't know about

Note I started posting this before post above.

There isnt a keybinding for that option and I want to be able to switch quickly

Hmmmmm, maybe in a bit, gotta do something then I'll be back.

Well the point is, the current system requires you to use your mouse, therefore you have to stop whatever you're doing and then switch. The whole purpose is to circumvent that, so you can keep building or shooting someone to pulp while switching avatars (and yes, there would be a spammer issue, so some sort of limit must be imposed on how frequently you can change avatars). Otherwise the current system is just fine.

Hmmmmm, maybe in a bit, gotta do something then I'll be back.
I'll get on that when you give me suggestions for which keys to bind to each number

Cant you have it so one key cycles through the avatars kinda like the "e" on the spray paint can?

Hmm, Ok. Which key for cycler?

Too late, already made it, but it's rebindable. Set to K. I'll go post it now

Closed because there is no point in keeping this open due to the fact that it has been made.