Author Topic: The coolest bro in the ultraverse  (Read 1020 times)

1 Chin...
2 Chins...
3 Chins! Ah Ah Ah!

So anyway, he seems in serious need of vocal coaching. And perhaps a salad.


He's talking about wet cords and potatoes?

Hey look it's Iban, I mean Badspot, er I mean Mr. Wallet

lol he's fat

ehh as water dmage

He clearly has a mental disability. It's not very funny to laugh at. Would you laugh at him if you saw this same guy in a Special Education class at a school? Probably not, because he can't help who he is and he just wants to engage in viral video making.

As for the weight, that's most likely associated with the mental issue.

Hahahaha. :D
Hey look it's Iban, I mean Badspot, er I mean Mr. Wallet

lol he's fat

I know this isn't the most caring group of people...but really...this is just sad, because he didn't actually do anything wrong or fail or interesting.

bro im not laughing, this guy is balls on the wall kool

He found a po-ball car? :o

He clearly has a mental disability. It's not very funny to laugh at. Would you laugh at him if you saw this same guy in a Special Education class at a school? Probably not, because he can't help who he is and he just wants to engage in viral video making.

As for the weight, that's most likely associated with the mental issue.

I know this isn't the most caring group of people...but really...this is just sad, because he didn't actually do anything wrong or fail or interesting.