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Author Topic: [RPWS] Role Play WarriorS (Disbanded)  (Read 64480 times)


What do u mean?
I updated the zombie story and Angel wrote the knife story

This clan intrigues me.

Do you have a server? I'd like to get to know some of your members.

This clan intrigues me.

Do you have a server? I'd like to get to know some of your members.
Yes I host the Server when I can

Hey, Hey Jared,

BTW: I was speeding through this at 10:47, Which is why it looks like stuff.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2011, 01:33:09 AM by Sigma200 »

Hey, Hey Jared,

BTW: I was speeding through this at 10:47, Which is why it looks like stuff.
You would

Should I shut RPKS down? its causing alot of problems to RPWS, or if you dont want it to be shut down I need you to join, so we fight in the name of RPWS!
« Last Edit: December 18, 2011, 09:49:14 PM by s245 »

Already did.


Y u be ragin' bro.

Please I need more people to join RPKS

Hey, Hey Jared,

BTW: I was speeding through this at 10:47, Which is why it looks like stuff.
THE forget IS THIS!

Please I need more people to join RPKS
stop advertising your rip-off in the topic that you ripped off of.

stop advertising your rip-off in the topic that you ripped off of.

its not a rip off I had deraj's permision to make the sub clan