Author Topic: TorqueScript/Blockland API documentation project  (Read 5477 times)

Noting the current lack of proper documentation for the Blockland/TorqueScript APIs, I decided to start my own project.
Contributions are generally accepted through the usual GitHub fork/pull request procedure.
This is currently nowhere completion, and I myself have very limited knowledge of the API.

Links - GitHub repository - Latest version after processing by Sphinx.

I am currently using the Python domain as there is no TorqueScript domain for Sphinx yet.
Please look at the documentation for strstr ( as an example for "proper" formatting for an entry.

I'd be glad to help.

I'd be glad to help.
Thanks. Like I said, it's the regular GitHub Fork/Pull Request procedure.
That documentation doesn't really explain anything though.
And it isn's sorted in any way either. It's pretty much like coding directly from IntelliSense (without looking at the descriptions).
« Last Edit: May 29, 2011, 04:54:52 AM by DontCare4Free »

I'll work on my fork tomorrow.

This site is very helpful for explaining functions

Look through it a bit

This site is very helpful for explaining functions

Look through it a bit
Sadly, that site doesn't explain the blockland-specific quirks, nor does it seem to be searchable.

There may be some non-default things in here, but...

These are dumps of a bunch of classes.

And one more:

There may be some non-default things in here, but...

These are dumps of a bunch of classes.
Those are fairly easy to get hold of. If you want to help, please fork it and modify the actual sources, or at least provide some helpful info for the functions.

Sadly, that site doesn't explain the blockland-specific quirks, nor does it seem to be searchable.

Maybe if you matched dumped console functions and explanations from the site


Maybe if you matched dumped console functions and explanations from the site
Another concern might be copyright of the official torque documentation.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2011, 12:00:03 PM by DontCare4Free »

another concern might be copyright of the official torque documentation.
Good point, although I don't see the harm if it's already out there for public use and we only use it for public documentation of a specific game.

Good point, although I don't see the harm if it's already out there for public use and we only use it for public documentation of a specific game.
They might have to take action to prove that they protect their "IP".
Besides, I can't find a link route from their homepage to that page, can you?

I'd much rather just go through every function with my own examples for Blockland. Those guides are not Blockland specific and if it's a project then people can collaborate together, rather for that it's already made and there's going to be no changes to it.