Author Topic: man of smart - Clearly can't listen worth a stuff.  (Read 20551 times)

Everybody says that. People in Canada always stop for children. I can't. Buses don't work either.
Obviously I've tried.
Try harder.

Because clearly they don't want to get your blood on their windshield.

Because clearly they don't want to get your blood on their windshield.



Apparently he disgusts them so much that even killing him isn't worth getting his blood on their windshield.

He needs to stop being a hypocrite.

There is a quote where he said he would buy a new key, get a new name and try to get a better reputation with out being shunned for liking ponies.

Find that quote.

Hey, man of smart, want to prove you can listen worth a stuff?

I wonder how many suck-ups man of smart will have!
man of big motherloving lies
Clearly not a.. of smart.
Looks like Man of Smart was just...


I support this thread 400%

I was actually drafting my own version, but you cover pretty much everything I was going to say.


you're an idiot

you're lucky Ike didn't really touch on how you're riding bisjac + Iban's roosters
I will back Ike up. As much as Ike is annoying, you are way worse.
you're lucky it can be spelled both ways cigarette

and it's been 2 days. what the hell do you mean am I mad? look who's scrounging to back themselves up now friend? your posts are all stuff, half of the recent ones are OGM WHOS BETR IBAN OR BISJAC??

get out
looks like man of smart...

-bathing lotion-
Looks like Man of Smart's...

/shades a smart mouth.

get the forget out
This isn't your own topic, it's your drama topic.
And it's even got evidence of your blatant friendry!
"I am a man of smart, I don't have to read all that because I am smart.  Look at me make stupid posts about how I don't want to read it."
The thing is, Ike had several arguments to make against you, with about twenty quotes. Is that not enough for you?

I totally agree with this thread, from reading man of smart's stupidity.
I was thinking of that as well.
why? because you can't admit you're a gay stuffface? you'd rather be called something else like homoloveual excrement forehead?
When I first saw "man of smart" he seemed a bit decent.

However recent events and his recent stuff-stained argument posts made me think otherwise.

You're obviously not smart.
please get banned now

According to man of smart, the reason we should not help people with any sort of disability is that they would not help back, and they all deserve to die.

Honestly, he is probably the forum's more handicapped member and needs to take a nice long break to get his head straight.
Excuse me, the argument of the maker of a drama topic is contained in the OP. He's made his case, all you've done is poorly call bullstuff on it.
MAN OF handicapped
Ok, hold on.

Everyone is pretty much agreeing with what Ike is saying in the OP.  Everyone hates you.

And you're saying, indirectly, that Ike's argument has failed.

You're completely handicapped.
I've hated him from day 1.
"I am a man of smart, I don't have to read all that because I am smart.  Look at me make stupid posts about how I don't want to read it."
The thing is, Ike had several arguments to make against you, with about twenty quotes. Is that not enough for you?

I totally agree with this thread, from reading man of smart's stupidity.
I was thinking of that as well.

Tell me that you honestly believe my thread is backfiring.

Ike's still made i fun the true purpose of the topic.
Next time, don't directly say "leave". It makes it too clear for people who aren't as stupid as you think.
New post?
The purpose was to get me to leave all angry. I'm not angry, and I'm not leaving.

Tell me that nobody's agreeing with me, go on.

I want you to take a good loving hard look at what everyone's saying, at tell me that the loving topic is backfiring.

Ike's still made i fun the true purpose of the topic.
Next time, don't directly say "leave". It makes it too clear for people who aren't as stupid as you think.
New post?
The purpose was to get me to leave all angry. I'm not angry, and I'm not leaving.
Oh my loving god stop being a hypocrite.

A drama topic with a table of contents?

You people put way too much effort into these things just to call people out for being stupid.

There is a quote where he said he would buy a new key, get a new name and try to get a better reputation with out being shunned for liking ponies.

Find that quote.
I specifically said I wouldn't. read again.
I said my non-existent reputation and some argument over ponies isn't worth getting a new account and key for.
I'm not that stupid.

I specifically said I wouldn't. read again.
I said my non-existent reputation and some argument over ponies isn't worth getting a new account and key for.
I'm not that stupid.

loving look at the above quotes you disabled stuff. EVERYONE agrees, YOU lost.

Stop living in your own loving world you stupid twit.

Tell me that nobody's agreeing with me, go on.

I want you to take a good loving hard look at what everyone's saying, at tell me that the loving topic is backfiring.
I see many people agreeing with you. I find it hard to believe all these people hate me, but I wasn't called out in any other topic about it.
Usually there are some rageposts before the drama topic.
It's okay to feel angry. Sometimes we need to let our emotions out.

I see many people agreeing with you. I find it hard to believe all these people hate me, but I wasn't called out in any other topic about it.
Usually there are some rageposts before the drama topic.
It's okay to feel angry. Sometimes we need to let our emotions out.
That's what this loving topic is for.


I see many people agreeing with you.

EVERYBODY agreeing. Nobody is siding with you.

What does that mean?

I find it hard to believe all these people hate me, but I wasn't called out in any other topic about it.

You were, you just clearly can't listen worth a stuff. :cookieMonster:

Usually there are some rageposts before the drama topic.
It's okay to feel angry. Sometimes we need to let our emotions out.

forget off, I'm not letting my emotions out, I'm telling you that you need to shape the forget up or get banned.