Author Topic: Weird dreams  (Read 3265 times)

I had a dream once, where I ate a lot of chocolate pretzels, then I shat out like 500 undigested chocolate pretzels. There were so many of them there was just this pile on top of my toilet and a lot of them had spilled over so I had to look around my bathroom for stuff covered chocolate covered pretzels, and one of them fell in the bath tub which happened to be like 30 feet deep.
that's weird
I heard that people can see the future in their dreams.

I heard that people can see the future in their dreams.

That happened to me a lot, but I start to doubt it, it's just that I FEEL deja vu, but I've never seen it happen at all, and that only happens with the 'important stuff' in my life. It didn't happen when my girlfriend broke up with me. ;-;

i has dream ther was dis girl and she was lovey and den i randomle appeared at mcdonalds and there was a fat kid dancing and singing rock&rollmcdonalds and den a creepbear came in wit a big ass and he raped da fat kid and he started speaking spanish. so den i runned to mai hoam and der was da lovey girl dat i saw earlier and she was laying on the kitchen floor land lickin da carpit and she turned into skittls and all da suttin it started like rainin hamstahz and my computer appeared on youtube hamster dance song thing and then the creepbear cam to mai hous and he was gona rape meh but den da shoop da woop asploded his ass and stuffted out rainbow piez and den da lovey girl came bak and had a trollface and den i woak up to da smell of burnin stuff
dats mai dream

Is this normal?

no not again

i dont really remember dreams that often

i has dream ther was dis girl and she was lovey and den i randomle appeared at mcdonalds and there was a fat kid dancing and singing rock&rollmcdonalds and den a creepbear came in wit a big ass and he raped da fat kid and he started speaking spanish. so den i runned to mai hoam and der was da lovey girl dat i saw earlier and she was laying on the kitchen floor land lickin da carpit and she turned into skittls and all da suttin it started like rainin hamstahz and my computer appeared on youtube hamster dance song thing and then the creepbear cam to mai hous and he was gona rape meh but den da shoop da woop asploded his ass and stuffted out rainbow piez and den da lovey girl came bak and had a trollface and den i woak up to da smell of burnin stuff
dats mai dream

Is this normal?


Last night I dreamt that there was a meteorite shower apocalypse.
Then we went to the mcdonalds in that shower.
And then it turned out it was all staged.
Then I woke up.


I had a dream I was playing virtual reality L4D in my house.
We won.

I had a dream I was playing virtual reality L4D in my house.
We won.

the dreams i've been having i'm still deciding whether or not to put in a creepypasta

Most of my dreams are de ja vu. :c

went to a hotel with my family. My hotel room was also a public bathroom. Then a girl I used to know came out of the side of the wall, which turned into another room on te side of te bathroom, covered in oil and half naked. We then went into a locked room and had love.

I had this one dream where my AC was broken and this guy came in and I thought he was the AC guy so I asked him, "Are you here to fix the AC"  And he goes: "I will fix your AC" and stabs me with a shank..  Then the next day I saw the same guy that was in my in dream in the park and he was a hobo.. I got scared.

I had this dream in the Halo universe. Where I was fit into a drop pod with at least a thousand more. I could literally feel my balls floating and when I hit the surface. I woke up. Best dream ever. I wish there was tech like that :(