Author Topic: Create an interior = Game over!  (Read 2879 times)

The thing i ment with te subject was that, when i add interior to map for example pigs backyard the game crashes.
Is it possible to avoid it?

Also one time the game didn't crash (it was a wonder!) but the interior was all over black with no terrain. Can i load a terrain to it, so i can skip the annoying big work? Oh and BTW, the answer to my question may help me to create my... well not very mine created map. The map i'm trying to make, is an house (Pigs Backyard + Bedroom + Kitchen = my house) and i may publish it. Can i do it, or can i only publish the maps i have created all the way miself?

PS: This is not a information for that i asked, but my nick name in RTB (if only some of you sees me) my name is Mr Finland. Now you know where i'm from, heh. But do i have to use the name in this forum what i am using in the game?

Easy. Just don't add the interiors. 9_9

Easy. Just don't add the interiors. 9_9

But i'd like to add interiors, can you even say is interior adding even available without crashing?

Here's a solution: get retail.

turn vertex lighting off then add it and relight if its black

1:kill yourself by jumping off a tall build while cutting your wrists and doing drug
3: profit!

Everyone in here is trying to help. And some douchebag comes and ruins it.

Grand THIEF Fox, gtfo my intranets.

And I have no clue how to fix your problem.

Ok guys i have discovered how to fix the problem :D. If you try to add interiors to RTB, the game crashes. BUT i have got an idea to use Blockland mods 1.6a -------> If u add an interior in that game the interior load worked ;). Hey here's a hint for a interior load: When i got the idea i loaded Bedroom, and placed it on the map. As i said earlier: "The interior doesen't got any terrain in it." but this time bedroom does have terrain (halfway) so, when u go inside bedroom, it's like in the Blockland Retail (i have the game) the Dark bedroom, but it does got a bit more light's in retail... scaaaarrryy xD.

The interiors crash when you place them because you have vertex lighting on.

Open the options menu (ctrl+o) and toggle off vertex lighting.

That should fix it.

3> ???
4> Badspot Profits !

I believe this chap is talking about placing interiors, not viewing them. There is an alternative method - you add it into the .mis then load the map and move it into position. That will prevent the crash, and its how I do it. For code to add in the Interior, look at bedroom.mis.