Author Topic: My House (Real) WIP,Heavy,NM.  (Read 5351 times)

iv been working on my house and so far it took me two weeks to get to where i am now, hopfully, i plan on finishing it at the end of the month.
il be adding soon:
continue double layering (see second post if you don't understand)
continue copyrighting.

rate on structre not detail, and tell me any suggestions i should do.

EDIT: NM = No Macros.

Incase you didn't know, Double layering is when you replace 2x4 with 2 1x4, heres some picks

diffrent colors without showing it outside
no sharing of colors
gives more realism
it looks the same as a 2x4

it takes 2x the time to make a normal wall so if it took 1 hour for one wall, it will take around 1.5-2 hours.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2007, 08:49:53 AM by shocklink10 »

Lol @ 1 hour for a wall.

More like 5 seconds for a wall with macro or  6 seconds for a double wall with macro. :cookieMonster:

I won't rate it as it is now.

wow. looks kinda plain. are you sure it was that hard to make?

disgustingly unlovei. something i would expect to see down the toilet. and yes, i can make something 473.999 (recurring) times better but im too kewl to post it.

js jokin. looks basic though...

You must be handicapped to not use macros

it took you 2 weeks to do that? your not a good builder are you?

@dumbells: no, i just don't know how and i dont plan to either

@Caboose: it took around exactly 3-5 days if you want exactness cause im not doing this 24/7, i got school to, and this would be my first build with alot of bricks so.... ya im new with big things.

bumb and note, i recreated my house, if you complain its simple, try making your house exactly how it is and lets see how plain it is.

I think its not a bad design although it does look a bit plain. Still, well done.

i think its a good job so far. building without macros and getting things right takes time. would like to see more windows and garden, then more interiors completed. keep at it... ;)

bumb and note, i recreated my house, if you complain its simple, try making your house exactly how it is and lets see how plain it is.
It is plane. Hard aswell considering I live on the moon.

Im not suprised it took him so long, it is really hard to build something like your house, bacause you know exactly what it should be and you want it to be that way. Anyone can make a cool looking house, but that is not what he is looking for, he is trying to make it exactly like his house. Ive thought about building my house, but it would beway to hard for me to get it even romotely looking like my house at all.

ty for the good comments, i finished up the 2nd floor walls, now i know where is where lol, and im going to continue my walls, i should post finished product before the end of this month.

Q: if i install Vista on my computer, will it destroy blockland or will it be fine?