Author Topic: SeventhSandwich is building a computer and has a few questions  (Read 936 times)

My first question so far is: Should I go with Windows 7: Home premium, Ultimate, or what else?

I'm intending to use this for gaming and anything else I want to do.

build one that finds out who alts are by itself.
If professional is the only one that offers DirectX 11, I'm of course going with that.

Anyone have any objections?

If professional is the only one that offers DirectX 11, I'm of course going with that.

Anyone have any objections?

Use windows 7 starter.

srsly? lol.
I'm serious.

It doesn't have windows media center.
It wont let you change your wallpaper.
And some other awesome features!

I use Win 7 Ultimate. But its all preferance IMO.

If professional is the only one that offers DirectX 11, I'm of course going with that.

Anyone have any objections?
What, no.  The only one that wouldn't let you use DX11 probably is Starter but even then probably not.

DX11 is a vital asset to PC gaming.  It can't be restricted to one version of Windows.  All versions of Windows 7 will be able to use DX11, lol.

I use Win 7 Ultimate. But its all preferance IMO.
Same here, its all preference really.  I just get mine for free.