Author Topic: Ask FrozenEye, Trymos, and Jairo questions about themselves.  (Read 4788 times)

Did you ever find me hot?
Based off of your avatar, I like furrys.

Okay then. If there was a question you couldn't answer under no circumstances, what would be your exact thoughts about tossed soymilk pudding?
I love soymilk, so... Yes.

do you like being dead?
Its quite fun, knowing that everyone doesnt really know that im dead.

What would happen if Earth wore pants?

What would happen if Earth wore pants?
They would fall off.
No belt.

What would you do if all the sudden a sink appeared behind you and it was filled with lava?

Why is your eye frozen?

Why is only 1 of your eyes frozen?

What would you do if all the sudden a sink appeared behind you and it was filled with lava?
The sink would melt.

What would you do if all the sudden a sink appeared behind you and it was filled with lava?
I'd bathe all the sin off of myself.

Why is your eye frozen?

Why is only 1 of your eyes frozen?
Because my other eye isnt.

What woul dhappen if unwritten calendar answerd?

What woul dhappen if unwritten calendar answerd?
I would freeze his left nostril.
He would be forever known as FrozenNose.

I would freeze his left nostril.
He would be forever known as FrozenNose.
What if his nose was made of lava?

If you had the chance to launch an intercontinental ballistic missile at any country to cause nuclear detonation above it and force electromagnetic pulses to radiate outwards, shutting off all electronics caught in the blast, which country would it be?

If you had the chance to launch an intercontinental ballistic missile at any country to cause nuclear detonation above it and force electromagnetic pulses to radiate outwards, shutting off all electronics caught in the blast, which country would it be?
Not England.

What if his nose was made of lava?
Then he wouldnt have a nose.