Author Topic: Steam gifting  (Read 14149 times)

ive gifted anybody l4d2 when it was 40 bucks i believe because he bought me mirrors edge when it was 10, good trade :o
i was given blacklight tango down by a nonblocklander but it loving crashed, mastercookie got me new vegas, and thats all i can remember right now.

If anyone wants the haunted metal from Screamfortress, give me gift wrap. Ill give to you. I dont have an eyelander :P

Someone gift me Trackmania United Forever Star Edition.

Someone gift me Trackmania United Forever Star Edition.
not really worth iti

i want machinarium

ITT: people wanting games

buy me l4d2

i want machinarium
even though i have like 35 dollars
im saving for something i want to much

even though i have like 35 dollars
im saving for something i want to much
SHould have gotten humble indie bundle #1

SHould have gotten humble indie bundle #1
i didnt know about it then
i dont think i even knew what an indie game was then

I recently got a new PC. It runs things great, but due to the purchase of the PC, I am broke, and I do not have Garry's Mod. help.

I gifted HL 2 Ep 1 To my brother.

Need HL1 :( I have source but I cant play mods because it isnt the standard

I want from dust.

thing looks smexy