Author Topic: Space Marines.  (Read 10690 times)

Space marines is a 3rd person shooter set in the world of Warhammer 40k that is not out yet.

And it looks badass.

Things from the site (

In Warhammer® 40,000® Space Marine® you are Captain Titus, a Space Marine of the Ultramarines chapter and a seasoned veteran of countless battles.

A millions-strong Ork horde has invaded an Imperial Forge World, one of the planet-sized factories where the war machines for humanity’s never ending battle for survival are created. Losing this planet is not an option, but a darker and far more evil threat is lurking large in the shadows of this world.

With an Imperial liberation fleet en-route, the Ultramarines are sent in to hold key locations until reinforcements arrive. Captain Titus and a squad of Ultramarine veterans use bolter and chainsword to take the fight to the enemies of mankind .


Space Marine features a fluid combat system that allows players to seamlessly switch from ranged to melee weapons without interrupting the flow of combat.

Hitting the melee button at any time will result in a close range strike with the equipped hand-to-hand weapon as well as the camera pulling out to melee distance. Pulling either trigger will instantly snap the view back to behind the player’s shoulder ready for precise shooting. These systems are immediately responsive and leave the player in full control at all times.

As the player dispatches enemies in Space Marine they will be earning FURY which can be used to unleash devastating ranged or melee attacks.  The player can use FURY MARKSMAN to enter a heightened form of awareness where time seems to slow down allowing them to pick off multiple ranged enemies in the blink of an eye.  Alternately the player can opt to utilize their FURY STRIKE up close and personal with a sweeping area of affect attack that will obliterate anything close enough and knock-back and stun more distant foes.

Space Marine Trailer
Behind the Scenes of the Universe Trailer
Gameplay demo
Multiplayer Classes Trailer
E3 2011 Trailer

You gain health by wounding/killing enemies, rewarding players for jumping into the action
Dat customization
Co-op is confirmed
Things I forgot/don't know

British accents everywhere

Co-op is unconfirmed
16 player multiplayer
Things I forgot/don't know

OH stuff

« Last Edit: September 10, 2011, 01:18:39 AM by DestroyerOfBlocks »

I saw this a while back, looks like a lot of fun. I'll probably buy it.

space marines:

half-man half-refrigerator

Coop is confirmed.

8v8 is fine for something like this, it's not supposed to be a giant war like Dawn of War 1, it's more like Dawn of War 2 with squad based action.

There's nothing about british accents, the hell?

Coop is confirmed.

8v8 is fine for something like this, it's not supposed to be a giant war like Dawn of War 1, it's more like Dawn of War 2 with squad based action.

There's nothing about british accents, the hell?
Thanks for the info.

And everyone in 40k has a british accent.

Thanks for the info.

And everyone in 40k has a british accent.

« Last Edit: August 08, 2011, 12:43:58 AM by Nickelob Ultra »

Nick owes me Space Marines.

i've been waiting for this game since the teaser back in 2009? 2010.

i've always loved space marines.