Author Topic: Noises you do not like.  (Read 2648 times)

crying babby
espesialy on tv

children screaming like a little bitch
I hate the sound of a very small dog barking, for 2 reasons.

One, it thinks it's so god damn tough, and I could just pick it up and rip it in 2 if I wanted.
And two, it's an annoying, slightly painful "Yip!" that is annoying as forget.
This, as well as when my belt holder falls off the wall.


Also when I turn my ceiling fan when it gets really hot at night, and so it kinda makes some of the stuff in my room kinda shift a bit. That's ok, except for a little streamer thing I made a long time ago out of really loud are tissue paper. So at random times when I'm trying to sleep, I hear these crinkling noises and it really scares me.

Balloons rubbing against things.
Or any rubber squeaking for that matter.

Helicopters, planes, cars going sixty down my road, balloons rubbing anything, semi auto guns and rifles, silence, and the bushes raking branches across my window.

Here's what I hate: When someone gets out a goddamn quarter and starts rubbing it across a goddamn wooden table.

Worst sound in the world.

little eight year olds on a mic

Anything that is screechy.
Like a whiny child or nails on a chalkboard or
goddamn quarter and starts rubbing across goddamn wooden table.

Gives me the shivers.