Author Topic: Box Bots  (Read 4333 times)

4 different Boxes.  They must be bots not vehicles.  Siba was making these for me but he kinda dropped the ball (or should I say... box)  I drew exactly what they are, what they look like and stuff so that the next person to attempt them has a very easy time and knows exactly whats in my brain.

I would really love these.  You may be thinking they're entirely useless but here's why I thought of the idea in the first place:  Puzzles.

A lot of people make puzzles (specifically, Portal puzzles) in blockland.  Right now the only interactive box we have to work with is that godawful Companion/Weighted cube vehicle.  Vehicles are horribly glitchy with bricks and don't have any events for them that are completely flawless.  Vehicles also don't collide very well with players.  They spaz all over the place and really they just suck for this kinda thing.

BOTS on the other hand collide perfectly with players and bricks.  Bots have 100% functioning events.  Bots can be resized and edited (could be useful for some creative puzzles.  Resizing the cube to be a bridge and walking over it, ect.)  Bots do not glitch or spaz out on bricks, they just stay put and be perfect for you.

I'm assuming these are some of the easiest things to make (especially regular ol' cube..) to an experienced modeler (or maybe even a beginner).  They can all use the same exact coding except for their health values.  It's simple: A bot with no mounting points and 3 different healths...

Edit: Since they are bots and are probably defaulted to have the "Ouch!" pain and sound effect... It'd be kinda nice if you got rid of all that crap so that the boxes don't scream and emit "ouch"  :cookieMonster:

Thank you for reading and I really hope someone jumps on this and pumps it out.  I'm pretty ignorant to modeling but I'm going to guess these are something you could make on a lazy sunday.

Here look:  I even made the textures for Cardboard Box for you.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2011, 02:44:28 AM by Jay the Cartoonist »

Yes, we must have this.

EDIT: Maybe ill try c:
I'd love you so much :)

Also, if you do, you don't have to stress out about making it EXACTLY 3x3 brick size.  That was just kind of a general estimate, but don't go any smaller than that ;o

Wow I just found a typo on Strong Box.  Indended..   Indented is what I meant lol

I thought that these would be playertypes...

They where all red or blue little robots that punch each other and used to be sold as a toy lol 

Box death animations of them breaking apart would be cool. Id like to see this. Hope you get someone good.
Also, player-type would be cool and a lot more useful than a bot. Players could pose as scenery.

Box death animations of them breaking apart would be cool. Id like to see this. Hope you get someone good.
Also, player-type would be cool and a lot more useful than a bot. Players could pose as scenery.
yes but can't every bot be used in events for change playertype events?  ;o
I was thinking playertype too but according to siba it's 1049230 times more complicated.

I thought that a cardboard box playertype/bot where the player sits inside and when you crouch you go into the box and lid shuts would be really funny/useful for sneaking around :P

I don't see why a player-type would be more complicated than a bot. Then again, Ive never made a bot outside of the bot events before.

Here, I've made a cube model.  :cookieMonster:

Here, I've made a cube model.  :cookieMonster:
Considering cubes can be made in literally one click, Mega Bear is not amused. Script it and then we'll talk. :D

Also, this is a great idea. They could even be used for decoration if you don't event them to move.

I'll make some models. Shouldn't be too hard. Possibly some script.

i made this when i was playing around with player models a long time ago

forget you anybody I was almost done with mine ;c