;attach=148048;type=avatarI c wut u did thar
And here we go again...
yay I caused the final snap I am proud.He did stop arguing though and he removed the pony killing video.
And why are you all argueing over this.Its a matter of opinion.some like ponies(idk how to spell it :S)Some hate them why cant we all shut up.This is starting to annoyy me with all the cigarettegorty.
He keeps spammin my inbox with "is you on flubbmans side now?" and "it wasn't me WHO removed you from my freinds steam list."He really is annoying.REALLY.
Alright dident read it..............yeah im an idiot i just rushed but im ganna stay out of it now that i read it.
for a 13 year old you sure do spell bad
You spell bad for a N/A year old.