Author Topic: kids these days  (Read 5454 times)

I missed the last year of school, knowing those kids they'll probably all be pregnant when I get back.

Condoms would help, I guess, but these dumbass kids need to learn to abstain so this stuff doesn't happen.

They give 14 year olds like me a bad name.

lots of teens are pregnant in the US and UK, I don't know about the US, but in the UK, kids start drinking and smoking when they are like 12 and maybe thats one of the reason tehy get pregnant all the loving time.

lots of teens are pregnant in the US and UK, I don't know about the US, but in the UK, kids start drinking and smoking when they are like 12 and maybe thats one of the reason tehy get pregnant all the loving time.

And our world eats up love like it's loving ice cream cake.

EDIT: Also, 1,900th post

most of the seniors have kids at home.
theres this loud redhead hispanic with a 1 year old

At this rate, in 20 years,six year olds will get pregnant and three year olds will know the meaning of forget.

At this rate, in 20 years,six year olds will get pregnant and three year olds will know the meaning of forget.
6 year olds cant get pregnant
and 3 year olds havent been exposed to school

42 pregnant freshmen this year.
Pee-pee too small

A few weeks ago me and my brothers went fishing before i went to bali (where i am now) and while we were there, there was a group of 5-6 kids ages ranging from 5 to about 12, all of them smoking weed and talking about drugs and stuff, yes even the 5 year old. It wasn't all bad though, they gave us a full fly fishing set with all the hooks and stuff for a smoke, gotta love mooching of handicaps.

Hmm. I started smoking and drinking around age 13. I didn't start getting addicted to smoking till I was 15. I don't drink a lot, unless I am having a stuffty day/have enough money/having a party

I am more of a dope-head than a drinker, which is better for you anyways.

However, I have yet to get a woman knocked up, thank god.
I don't plan on having any kids for a while anyways. Who wants that stuff so early in life?
Does it make them popular? Does it make them feel cool?
Having a child so young shouldn't be seen so lightly. It's stupidity if you ask me.

Yes, mistakes DO happen, and if you find yourself in this sort of position, you have to try for the child.
Simply giving up on things just makes it that much harder to get stuff done.

At my school last year when I was a junior, the girls who were pregnant were putting signs on their lockers "JUNIOR MOM"
Hey guess what? Who loving cares! In my opinion, that is "showing off" that you are going to have a baby. You might think it's all cool and stuff now, but when it happens, you will have you hands full.

Ok I am done ranting
Have fun :3

Packer, we know America isn't the best country ever, but saying the problem is simply because we are Americans is just stereotyping and is (ironicly) stupid.
Considering we don't have teenagers pregnant in schools, I would suggest it'd have something to do with your society.

Considering we don't have teenagers pregnant in schools, I would suggest it'd have something to do with your society.

Actually Packer, you must go to a private school or catholic?
Most public schools have pregnant high-schoolers.
To say that yours does not, must mean there is a strict rule?

Whats wrong with your society? lol
« Last Edit: August 20, 2011, 10:00:53 AM by Goth77 »

the ripe age of childbearing used to be around the 1500s. Nice to see old trends are coming back. :/

the ripe age of childbearing used to be around the 1500s. Nice to see old trends are coming back. :/

And before that it was like 12, I'm pretty sure.

It seems like, it used to be expected, then it was appaled, now it's expected again.