Author Topic: kids these days  (Read 5451 times)


OnTopic: Holy loving stuff its like seeing a dinosaur!

They know a joke when they see one.
Your joke was terrible, I didn't even smirk.

Your joke was terrible, I didn't even smirk.

The point is it's a joke.

Jokes aren't supposed to be taken so seriously. Why is this community so forgeted up?


42 pregnant freshmen this year.

Like seriously, what the forget?

Last year it was something like 30.

Do stupid people like not now how to use a condom? They shouldn't even be doing it in the first place. Does anyone else have this kind of stupid stuff going on in their school?

...and I'm going into middle school in a year.


The point is it's a joke.

Jokes aren't supposed to be taken so seriously. Why is this community so forgeted up?
From Lord Tony's past, its hard to tell if he is ever joking anymore.

From Lord Tony's past, its hard to tell if he is ever joking anymore.
why should you care if he is joking or not? unless you're offended you shouldn't really care. besides, stupid statements like that are almost always a joke unless you're browsing a whitepower-forum. stupid monday!

Hmm. I started smoking and drinking around age 13. I didn't start getting addicted to smoking till I was 15. I don't drink a lot, unless I am having a stuffty day/have enough money/having a party

I am more of a dope-head than a drinker, which is better for you anyways.
Does it make them popular? Does it make them feel cool?
It's stupidity if you ask me.

42 is the answer to the universe.

New generation shall be better. :D  :cookieMonster:

No pregnancies in my school lol. :3

Your joke was terrible, I didn't even smirk.
I didn't think the joke was all that funny either. The people's reactions to it were funny.

42 is the answer to the universe.

But what is the question? You cannot understand the answer unless you understand the question.

Do stupid people like not now how to use a condom? They shouldn't even be doing it in the first place.
Yeah but if they know how to not get pregnant there isn't a problem anymore.
This has gone too far, Lørd Idiøt. THATS just being plain old tribal, I have a lot of black friends, and they are just like white people.
I blame jews.
So you can stop being mad now.
Unless you're a jew.

Yeah but if they know how to not get pregnant there isn't a problem anymore.I blame jews.
So you can stop being mad now.
Unless you're a jew.


But what is the question? You cannot understand the answer unless you understand the question.
The question is:
