Constructive criticism

Author Topic: Constructive criticism  (Read 3557 times)

less ye plan on making this a $50 game

Do you think that if you ever have tons of sales for the game at once, where you make tons of money off it, you can get a team of people to work on number 3, Badspot?

if he ever gets a physics engine i hope it would include making cars and boats and planes and spacecraft and all that stuff

I want a drive-able giant hollowed minifig >:( people could even walk inside it while it moves >:( lol, I wish that'd work correctly in the current game....

1.  Would charging $10 double sales?  Would charging $5 quadruple sales?  Probably not.  The demo is designed to leave you wanting more so you are encouraged to buy.  My current conversion rate is over 3x the average so it appears to be working. 

Ads do not produce significant revenue.  I know - I had over a million page views and made like a hundred bucks of adsense.

The modified version of TGE 1.3 that Blockland uses is superior to all other versions of Torque currently available. 

2.  I tried a couple of control schemes while developing and they mostly sucked.  It takes a bit of getting used to, but the num-pad scheme is really the most powerful.  It kinda sucks on a laptop but then everything sucks on a laptop.

If the mousewheel was not context sensitive, then you would need even more buttons bound in order to select different weapons and paints.  However, it is possible to bind the keys however you like if you edit the script files.

3.  It is possible to have the bricks bounce but having them be pushable rigid objects would require integrating a physics library and making it network compatible.  It is not simply a matter of "rigging up some bones", it is a significant software engineering challenge.  I do not think the time it would take to integrate these features would be worth it.
Badspot's replies always completely own.

Bottom line: Relys is saying that DM games are the only games that are good.

In other words, he's an idiot.

The only thing I wish for in Blockland is more freedom in scripting. It's worth at least $20. The game isn't about physics; Roblox uses physics, and it sucks.

You just parent over the dso'd script >:D

It kinda sucks on a laptop but then everything sucks on a laptop.

I don't understand why though.
I have tried to figure this problem out many times, nothing seems to work.
My only guess is that since my laptop has 2 processors, and blockland only uses one, which isn't that much, that slows the game down.
Other than that I don't know what's wrong.
I can run most games on my laptop better than my desktop computer, yet my desktop computer runs Blockland better.