

84 (71.2%)
34 (28.8%)

Total Members Voted: 116

Author Topic: Slayer  (Read 211143 times)

Slayer is now the number 1 downloaded RTB file for two weeks in a row!

Good job, Greek :D

If you could make Rush / Demolition I will make a map to go with it ;P That would be sweet to have on Blockland. What it would require:
-Attacker tickets (lives left, max is changeable)
- M-Com stations (A & B, hold click at station to arm if attacking, hold click at station to defuse if defending)
-some sort of "reset" function that sets attacker tickets to max when two stations are destroyed and the attackers move up, but this may be impossible.
-events onChargePlant, onChargeDefuse

This would probably be a bit of work, but the fun resulting from this would be much greater.
I started a build on pirate bay, its turning out quite nicely so far

I started a build on pirate bay, its turning out quite nicely so far

Pirate Bay. Oh gosh lol.

Pirate Bay. Oh gosh lol.
Are you remembering it or thinking of thepiratebay?

Are you remembering it or thinking of thepiratebay?

I remembered it and my Shipwreck Bay map haha... it's not a very good map :P

This is Slayer's 3rd straight week being on the toplist!

Did you know?
A respawn time penalty can be applied for Friendly Fire. You can find the option in the Respawn Times panel.
For example, if the minigame respawn time is 10 seconds and the friendly fire penalty is 5 seconds and someone kills a teammate, their respawn time would be 15 seconds. If they kill 2 teammates, their next respawn time would be 20 seconds, and so on.

If anyone wants to script one of these gamemodes, please go ahead:
  • Infection - One player starts on their own team. When they kill other players, they join the team as well and try to "infect" more people.
  • Rush - I still don't understand what it is exactly, but a lot of people have asked for it so if you know something about it, go ahead.
Please PM me before you start work on one of these in case someone else already is!

Rush in a nutshell:

2 Teams: Attackers & Defenders
Attackers Objective: Destroy M-COM stations
   -have a certain number of lives to destroy the M-COM stations
   -move to previous attacker base once both M-COM stations are destroyed
   -life "tickets" are replenished when both M-COM stations are destroyed
   -can only arm M-COM stations if not already armed
Defenders Objective: Protect M-COM stations
   -infinite number of lives
   -can only disarm M-COM stations after an attacker has armed one

M-COM stations take about 3 seconds to arm and 5 seconds to disarm - but this should be changeable. They also take about 30 seconds to explode but this too should be changeable.

Rush in a nutshell:

2 Teams: Attackers & Defenders
Attackers Objective: Destroy M-COM stations
   -have a certain number of lives to destroy the M-COM stations
   -move to previous attacker base once both M-COM stations are destroyed
   -life "tickets" are replenished when both M-COM stations are destroyed
   -can only arm M-COM stations if not already armed
Defenders Objective: Protect M-COM stations
   -infinite number of lives
   -can only disarm M-COM stations after an attacker has armed one

M-COM stations take about 3 seconds to arm and 5 seconds to disarm - but this should be changeable. They also take about 30 seconds to explode but this too should be changeable.
So Search and Destroy basically?

It sounds like S&D but with multiple bombs.

I don't play Call of Duty... but I suppose it is pretty much the same concept? Most Rush maps have 8 M-COM stations, meaning that there are 4 positions for the Attacking team to take.

I don't either.

Anyway, I just released v2.2.1 which fixes a bunch of major bugs, so its an important one to DL.

Quote from: Change Log
   <change:bug>Fixed issue where you were unable to change team weapons in certain circumstances.
   <change:bug>Fixed issue where vehicles were respawned when their owner joined or left the game.
   <change:bug>Fixed bug where players could join the minigame before they spawned.
   <change:bug>Fixed bug that allowed the minigame to be reset when it was already in the process of resetting.
   <change:bug>Fixed issue involving duplicate package names.
   <change>An outdated client can now work be used on a server with a newer version.
   <change:add>Added semi-custom win message support for use by gamemodes.

The Team Events poll just ended! The results:
  • Team Color - 45 votes
  • Team Number - 15 votes
Team Color wins! The events will be staying the same!

I just added a new poll to rate Slayer! Vote now!

No one is going to rate this less then 4, Greek. Maybe make a poll for the next type of minigame? Like Cops n Robbers, Rush, Other...