Author Topic: LWS Audacious - OCNC Warship  (Read 7706 times)

An OceanCo Clan Build

Ladies and Gentleman I present to you the Audacious-class Global Combat Ship.
The LWS Audacious is the most advanced warship in the OCNC fleet.
The LWS Audacious is a highly capable multirole warship designed for: Anti-Submarine Warfare, Air Defence, Naval Warfare, Off-shore land strikes and general purpose patrols.

Weapons Systems

16+ Tomahawk Block IV Cruise Missiles
1 4.5” Mark 8 Naval Gun
3 Phalanx CIWS
2 General purpose machine guns (GPMG’s)
8+ Spearfish Torcreeps

I know there aren't parts which are great, I lost interest recently due to being so excited over beginning the next project of the Phantom-Class Attack Submarine
« Last Edit: September 30, 2011, 07:05:02 AM by Gaz »

oh cool you guys finished the interior. funny, i thought this was the phantom.

quite delicious indeed, sirs.

oh cool you guys finished the interior. funny, i thought this was the phantom.

quite delicious indeed, sirs.

It was going to be the phantom however with my sudden urge to build a submarine next; Phantom seemed to fit a submarine more than a warship.

love. In the form of warship.

Very nice! You guys sure know how to build ships. Now build me a full size aircraft carrier :P

Very nice! You guys sure know how to build ships. Now build me a full size aircraft carrier :P
Wait in line, it's coming after the Phantom-class submarine.

Wait in line, it's coming after the Phantom-class submarine.

Ohoo i like the interior and exteroir design of the ship... I alwys found that hard for some reason =_=. Very nice though

Again, turret issues, but i looked at them ingame and realized that you can't really do anything about it.

8/10, could use some more deck formation and overall detail/planning.

i won't pretend that i can do better though.

with my sudden urge to build a submarine next
O u.

EDIT: My submarine sucked cause no zone bricks at the time :c

Again, turret issues, but i looked at them ingame and realized that you can't really do anything about it.

8/10, could use some more deck formation and overall detail/planning.
When you look at more modern warships instead of the old 1940-50 Battleships you'll realise that there is very little on the deck and are very low in detail on the exterior to make them more streamlined and reduce their radar signature.

Modified this heavily for use in full Blockland combat, will post what I changed shortly to get your opinion.


A quick overview of the ship. As you can see, I lazily fillcanned the base to be purple to fit my team the Purple Alliance's theme color.

Taking out a wrench, one can see all of the zone cubes that both hold the ship together, AND are the basis of the intruder detection system I put upon the ship.

The aforementioned detection system displays the location of anyone on the ship here on this display on the bridge. Each vertical group of 2 plates is equivalent to one cube. You can see here, for example, that I am in C2, which is the more forward part of the hangar.

Probably one of my favorite changes is the use of Stratofortress's heavy battleship turret, which has proved quite useful. You can also see that I quickly made a door directly onto the bridge from the forward deck because I'm lazy and it could be necessary to quickly access the turret in the event of an attack.

In the rear deck I have moved the already placed vehicle spawn just a bit further back to accommodate larger helicopters such as the Apache.

I have also placed a vehicle spawn inside the hangar for use with planes. Fortunately the rear deck is just long enough to serve as a reasonable runway for most planes.

Within the hangar I have placed a jumppad (we'll look at this shortly) and a jetski.

Quite frankly I've had no idea what you wanted to do with this random little hole since you started building this ship. At first I thought that it was for missiles or something, but even now that the ship is finished it's still just a little compartment under the ship with a button in it. Not terribly useful, so I decided to make it a quick and easy escape route for a jetski, which is in fact more likely what you had in mind.

And now the jumppad. Here you can see it in it's cool down state (to prevent accidental addVelocity related deaths). The jumppad is used to go up...

Into here! Like the jetski escape, it seemed silly to me that there was an empty part of the ship with no real function, so I converted this into a quick way to get into the hangar.

I actually think I did an okay job blending it in with the rest of the ship. c:

I also went and ahead and totally upgraded your missiles. Each pod now fires three missiles rapidly, and the missiles themselves have a Z velocity of 20 and with a forward (be it X or Y possibly negative, depending on how the ship is loaded) velocity of 20, allowing quick land attacks to be easy. Also, just for fun, I made the pods play sounds upon firing just for the good ass feeling of "i just blew the forget outta everything."

And boy howdy did I.

I also converted the captain's quarters beneath the bridge into an armory. A very big armory.

Both funny and convenient, my checkpoint brick is inside the shower just forward of the armory/captain's quarters. A quick and easy way to get to some weapons and get topside~

You, Gaz, and the rest of Oceanco are credited for this great build with this here floating 2x cube on the deck. Though people probably won't be alive long to click it and see the message, you'll of course be fully credited should anyone ask (and people always do lol).

This is an incredible build, and I hope you aren't bothered by the many changes I've made.
It isn't that much, but it actually took a surprising amount of time to get everything good and easy. I went more for function here than you did for accuracy.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2011, 06:27:11 AM by .::Taboo::. »

Quite frankly I've had no idea what you wanted to do with this random little hole since you started building this ship. At first I thought that it was for missiles or something, but even now that the ship is finished it's still just a little compartment under the ship with a button in it. Not terribly useful, so I decided to make it a quick and easy escape route for a jetski, which is in fact more likely what you had in mind.

It was originally going to be a RIB deployment rig however I lost interest in the build way before I built the interior so it was reaching the point of painful. I really couldn't be arsed to event it; quite lazy of me indeed.

I don't mind however I just ask that you don't pass it onto other people. I'm slightly paranoid about people not giving any kind of credit to neither me or the clan. However I know you're a respectful person who will so I don't mind.