Author Topic: Cubelands/Furling - "u know the army is a bunch of satan's minions!!"  (Read 8602 times)

You join air force, that stuipd. If you kill someone. You broke law (shall not kill) God will sent you go to hell. Good luck.
That why I not like army, marine, air force, police, navy all kill people. They break law. They are so stuipd!

It say you shall not murder/kill, then why join stuipd air force let you kill people. You are not worth it.  You are disgrace entire all to human. I shall ban you from my server.
I am not trolling. I gave fact statment of law.
you think ur grandfather hero of war? What disgrace ur grandfather just kill people. God not let ur grandfather in heaven, only go to hell forever, what heck ur grandfather doing there.. I not mean rude about your grandfather. Not for me, I never support them commit murder people good or foe not matter which side.

Truth is all army, navy, air force, marine and police are axis of evil as terrisot.
why not you join air force, I call you murder.
Bone4 are disgrace period.

holy stuff

this is beyond my comprehension

better interpretation:

murder == killing an innocent

killing someone trying to kill you or someone else =/= murder

the navy does not break the law... they fight so.... us humans can live.... everyday somebody will die and somebody will live. everyday we are just sittin here socializing on the forums and the army is giving their lives to protect us.. its not breaking the 10 commandments.

Cube apparently doesn't understand that war requires you to kill.
There are people out there who don't believe in God, and they would kill you in a blink.

This world is dangerous, and it's getting worse every day.

the navy does not break the law... they fight so.... us humans can live.... everyday somebody will die and somebody will live. everyday we are just sittin here socializing on the forums and the army is giving their lives to protect us.. its not breaking the 10 commandments.

It say you shall not murder/kill, then why join stuipd air force let you kill people. You are not worth it.  You are disgrace entire all to human. I shall ban you from my server.

I think I just peed my pants of laughing.

so I guess that makes God's army of angels a bunch of demons.

Doesn't furling host 24/7 TDM's?

So what your saying is cubelands/furling is a jesus freak who thinks war is satan?

I believe in God as well, but this is stupid.
Murder and defense from people trying to kill us are two different things.
The Bible also says in Jeremiah 28:8 and in Matthew 24:6-7 that, "From early times the prophets who preceded you and me have prophesied war, disaster and plague against many countries and great kingdoms." And "You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom."