Author Topic: Pwnon --- Look mom, I'm on the internet!  (Read 1971 times)

He's gonna get banned.

surprised he didn't get banned 2 months ago

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User was banned for this post
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User was banned for this post
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User was banned for this post
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User was banned for this post

Holy crap lol

Oh God lol, Badspot even edited it so the pony images don't even appear.

I can hear my IQ points hitting the floor.

There are 2-3 furries on this forum, KochieBoy and TheBlackParrot. Maybe NightFox. I don't know much about math but that isn't invasion. The rest made me speechless.
Also, didn't this guy make about 4 topics with overused fads in about 10 minutes?

He got chained ban. I wonder if those bans stacked? If so then the hilarity just increased by 45%.

I don't get it.
Did my drama make him hate this community so much he just did whatever he could to be banned?

I don't get it.
Did my drama make him hate this community so much he just did whatever he could to be banned?
I don't think it's the drama.
I think he's just trolling.

I don't get it.
Did my drama make him hate this community so much he just did whatever he could to be banned?
I don't know. Pwnon is a cow. He couldn't resist this Drama topic and shoot himself(by cross-posting hes ponny into other topics.)