
Should I lock this RP?


Author Topic: Thug City Roleplay - The Beginning of a New Era.  (Read 55893 times)

I liked Alex :c

Alex I use for everything else, but because I look like Adam Jensen, I am Adam Jensen.

LOL, you know what's gruesome? Watching my best friend shoot both of his parents in the head with a .44 magnum at point blank range, their blood and brains splattering everywhere. He was killed by the police a day after when he was found using the .44 on a cat.


"Nice." He said, before choking one of the Solja Boys with a AK47. "Diiie you son of a bitch! Do I have to mother forgetin' say please!?" He yelled as he snapped the Soulja Boy's neck.

Off topic: Holy forgetballs.

BIC: I ran toward them, and got shot twice. Sparks flew off of the metal and I bagan killing people with my blades.


I laughed so hard


Altair ran into the Humvee, and started it up, "JUMP!" He yelled, driving straight at Adam. If he jumped in time, he'd land on the hood, and there'd be a path of blood.

David followed and became a blur with blood following every slash.

I jumped, and in the most grandiose way possible. I could almost hear Altair saying, "Show-off." I landed on the hood and, whoop-de-do, blood everywhere.

He stopped the humvee, grabbing a shovel, and whacking a still living but wounded Solja Boy, screaming, "I'M A DWARF AND I'M DIGGING A HOLE WITH YOUR ENTRAILS!"

"I feel the urge to call you Honeydew. Give honeydew 46 1."

Was that the right code? I forgot.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2011, 08:11:38 PM by xxxxkill »

I think it was 46." I shall become a dwarf, AND I WILL BEAT THEM WITH A  loving PICKAXE AND RAPE THEIR MOTHER WITH A richard MADE OF TNT!"

"I feel the urge to call you Honeydew. Give honeydew 54 1."

Was that the right code? I forgot.

I think it was 46." I shall become a dwarf, AND I WILL BEAT THEM WITH A  loving PICKAXE AND RAPE THEIR MOTHER WITH A richard MADE OF TNT!"

"Man, I would not like to see you blow a load."

"Explosive male genitalia."

"I don't even have them anymore. Seriously. I can't forget."

"..Wha? By the way, we should go to Comic Con after this stuff. Meet the Yogscast, maybe Slyfox, PBAT.."

"I'm not sure- Oh wait, will Jesse Cox be there?"

I'm not going to RP today, just telling you. So leave me out of it and don't speak of me.

heres map (except thug mafia owns most of city)