
Are you going to commit suicide now?

115 (10.8%)
151 (14.2%)
I already did
798 (75%)

Total Members Voted: 1061

Author Topic: Bad/weird stuff you see on deviantArt - Megathread  (Read 2291283 times)

Okay, yeah, this is actually pretty good. I just thought the implication of a giant girl eating someone was enough to make it weird.

How about this, then:
According to the title, luna dies from soda & mentos...
here, just take 46 points, i'ma go cry in a corner now.

i can barely see that it's so fast

_LEVEL: 127 special interestIUMS

_DISTURBIS LEVEL: 2 special interestUMS

(In response to the last two pages)
Sorry for the stretch

most likely right thread, just with a hidden meaning unknown to mankind

-unholy sights-

I've gone and told the "artist" of that picture series that his art has been "featured" on this thread, then promptly blocked him.

I've gone and told the "artist" of that picture series that his art has been "featured" on this thread, then promptly blocked him.

i got you guys some remotely on-topic eyebleach

For some reason I thought that was from a Wendy's commercial