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Author Topic: Bad/weird stuff you see on deviantArt - Megathread  (Read 2292162 times)

The blue star fan art wasnt that bad in fact I thimk its worthy to be on one of the books/manga

The blue star fan art wasnt that bad in fact I thimk its worthy to be on one of the books/manga

The only one I would consider acceptable is #2 of set 2. But it doesn't look like Bluestar, it looks like a very small blue lion.

Since people want me to stop posting, I will for a while, as of now, I declare you the king of this thread.

Why, thank you! I'm honored!


Wait a minute, I'm the king of bad art and weird special interestes? That doesn't sound too good! I hereby split my crown in half, giving one piece to Wafflecake and the other to Mr Man.


I was hesitant about posting this because I thought the artist was just a little kid, but then I found out they've been on DeviantArt for 11 years. At least he has a big imagination.

the edge, it sliced my eyes

That's actually pretty neat. He looks like he injected 7 tons of marijuana as well.

That's actually pretty neat. He looks like he injected 7 tons of marijuana as well.

yeah but he should really get his eyes check out...

I love the fact that it's "you forget" and not "forget you"

This guy likes water.
He's the reason why we have such a low fresh water supply.

what the forget is wrong with his bellybutton

I guess he wanted to make it look like it's leaking

also a little off topic:
I hate water because of how much it forgets with you while drawing

I hate water because of how much it forgets with you while drawing

I'm the only one who gets this joke