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Author Topic: Phydeoux's Add-on Topic  (Read 96411 times)

I would say either minigun, Heavy MG, or Nade turret.

Although whatever it is it shouldn't look fresh out of the box.

Give it that true Mad Max feel :U

Come on folks, we already have a MG in the Fordor, now lets have a rocket turret in the truck,

Hell, lets make it look like a SAM Turret, with 2 barrels! (Also loving the Apocalyptic stuff lately, im making a Apocalyptic Survival soon!)

P.S. Keep up the good work and may I suggest a Apocalyptic Heli?

may I suggest a Apocalyptic Heli?

Though a chopper would take a lot of gas in a real world apocalypse, I think it's a cool idea.

AFAIK there's no way to limit the rotation, though you could make the playertype for the turret use a look animation instead of actually allowing it to rotate in the mount point (I'm not sure that's possible either aside from the driver mount point)

Also might I suggest two with different turrets? You can swap out just the turret on spawn and reuse most of the datablocks (it'd take 2-3 extra, one for the modified vehicle to show in the menu and one for the turret... and I suppose its projectile)

One with a minigun/gatling turret, one with a rocket turret. Maybe one with a mortar too - post-apocalyptic artillery would be totally awesome.

Can I change my vote? After some consideration, I'd like to change it from minigun to the grenade turret. Much more balance seeing as the truck already has 4 machine guns on it.

Went back to the RPG weapons for a few minutes, and whipped up some weapons that will only be found on certain mobs.

The bone club will found on forest goblins, bent iron sword on skeleton warriors in the plains, steel cleaver-like sword on orcs in the hills, silver scimitar-like sword on desert bandits, and a rough obsidian sword will be used by the lizard men of the mountains.

The stats on these weapons are likely to be in between regular weapons.
I will probably have to make versions of these in other weapon types though. Gotta please people who want to use axes instead of swords, etc. And also give some variety when fighting enemies.

I like the basic and plain style of these weapons. It gets the point across, and not everything needs to be fancy and ornate.

No! Work on the Apocalypse Pickup!

lol i was working on the pickup. I just need to figure out what im doing with the truck bed, add some low-poly lod shtuff, script, and update it in.

Minigun turret is winning so I'd put that in.

Also, what's coming after the Pickup?

Minigun turret is winning so I'd put that in.

Also, what's coming after the Pickup?

You should create 2 versions, one with the minigun, the other with rockets/grenade.

You should also do one of the motorcycles.

You should create 2 versions, one with the minigun, the other with rockets/grenade.

You should also do one of the motorcycles.

Reaper anyone?


P.S God i'm SO addicted to this game!

I just got an idea, Construction vehicles pack! With a wrecking ball that destroys the bricks it hits?
« Last Edit: February 28, 2012, 07:10:42 PM by Cool Blockhead »

Reaper anyone?


P.S God i'm SO addicted to this game!

I looked at some videos and I can't get a clear and complete list of all of these "twisted metal" games.
It does have some interesting concepts, though.