Author Topic: Plastic inlayed Blockhead  (Read 18006 times)

dog tags are 5$, rite?
i might get one, i don't know.

You mean like this?

Without the Blue Outline, I'll send you one without the shadow.

EDIT: Not possible, the logo's main part is the shadow.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2012, 08:36:26 PM by Darkness ZXW »

Just got it today. Looks great pecon thanks.


gotta get me summa dat

how do i ordur

Alright I sent the $5 and mailing address. My dad was shaking the entire time lol
In retrospect you should have mailed a check so that if it gets lost in the mail (Because USPS can't get their stuff together) you can just write another one.

In retrospect you should have mailed a check so that if it gets lost in the mail (Because USPS can't get their stuff together) you can just write another one.
He payed with Paypal.

Request me to make something.

I can make exact copies of previous things.
If you want it plastic inlayed and sent to you, PM me and pay for it.

School year is coming to a close. I might have time for maybe one more drawing before then.

I made a collage of most of the things I made this year.

You should make your avatar.

Make one of a FFC Blockland dog and put in impact letter "DOGE"

Not actually requested.

I think I reserve the right to request having that sent to me for free, who agrees with me?

I think I reserve the right to request having that sent to me for free, who agrees with me?

i agree.

I think I reserve the right to request having that sent to me for free, who agrees with me?
Just pay shipping and handling.
