Author Topic: Oh crap I just ate raw chicken  (Read 5592 times)

I thought the tenders I microwaved were pre-cooked but apparently they weren't, and when I swallowed a chunk it tasted weird, and it wasn't very warm either

I heard raw chickens can easily give food poisoning or something, it was partially cooked and I only swallowed a chunk of it. How screwed am I?

Drink a glass of cold milk and dispose of the raw chicken.

I've eaten large pieces of raw fish before, you'll be fine.

Probably should see the doctor right away.

I saw that ninja.

"Goodnight, sweet prince."

u gon get dededed.

It's like sushi.

you will die in 3 days via salmonella

I've eaten large pieces of raw fish before, you'll be fine.

Consumption of raw chicken in large amounts is potentially fatal.

Although in small amounts like the amount Dodger described will potentially make him sick.

Like vomiting and flu-like symptoms.

I've eaten large pieces of raw fish before, you'll be fine.

Raw fish is nothing like raw poultry.

The only thing that poses a threat from this is salmonella. Just keep watch of your health for the next few weeks.

Raw fish is nothing like raw poultry.
You can still get sick fro-

Googles chances of getting sick from raw chicken

Oh, Well, I'd take a Tums. and crack a Ginger Ale.

Probably should see the doctor right away.
I saw that ninja.

"Goodnight, sweet prince."
I clicked post instead of preview. :c