Author Topic: Trotgor  (Read 5678 times)

Holy stuff.
Why do I feel bad now :(
because you are yelling at a kid with regressive autism and you are experiencing a common human emotion known as empathy.

I sort of regret attacking his other posts too.
I wonder if he'll make a good friend if people like Trogtor would stop trollin' him.
Well gee's I didn't know until Seventh posted in this thread. Don't go all over me now.

P- I mean, Trogtor, you are way worse against people who troll you or your friends.

I understand you didn't know about him either.

Now lock this please Lego, and let's try and be friends.

Now lock this please Lego, and let's try and be friends.
You can't lock in drama

Mother forgeter. Oh well let this die now.

I sort of regret attacking his other posts too.
I wonder if he'll make a good friend if people like Trogtor would stop trollin' him.
You both have the same avatar.


Nobody gives a flying forget about swearing. Nobody will ever stop swearing on this forums, NEVER. lol

Nobody gives a flying forget about swearing. Nobody will ever stop swearing on this forums, NEVER. lol
maaaaan read up more on off-topic
charlie is autistic, his mom runs a blog, and also he's not allowed to come here anymore

it's all been resolved

maaaaan read up more on off-topic
charlie is autistic, his mom runs a blog, and also he's not allowed to come here anymore

it's all been resolved
Yeah I know, I just saw that. Poor guy, he seems like a good kid in his videos. I regret I said that lol

why would she let an autistic child onto a mature forum?

why would she let an autistic child onto a mature forum?
How is she supposed to know it's a mature forum?
Is this even a mature forum?

why would she let an autistic child onto a mature forum?
it's the forum for a lego-based game and there's not particularly a mature content warning anywhere
i think she would think this was a kid-friendly game at first glance

it's the forum for a lego-based game and there's not particularly a mature content warning anywhere
i think she would think this was a kid-friendly game at first glance
the game itself is perfectly kid friendly.

The forums are not because of lenient rules against flaming.

Seriously this cigarette needs to back off. He has been getting on my nerves ever since me joined the forums. He needs to leave NOW
Pot kettle black