Author Topic: Sulfate - "thanksgiving is stuff and america is inferior" aka pulling a Nymethus  (Read 4461 times)

Sulfate, did you hit your head this morning? Your IQ seems to have dropped through the floor.

read the thread

he's at school, most likely talking stuff about thanksgiving to his uber cool friends

"omg guys americans are stupid cigarettes lol high five im cool right?

Sulfate, did you hit your head this morning? Your IQ seems to have dropped through the floor.

no but I ate some cold steak!

"omg guys americans are stupid cigarettes lol high five im cool right?

it's worth noting that this actually happens here. Lol

Phone is almost dead. Will be back later. Argue less amongst yourselves and direct your hatred at me! That's my name in the title not yours T-T

Phone is almost dead. Will be back later. Argue less amongst yourselves and direct your hatred at me! That's my name in the title not yours T-T
Quit being such a friend and acting like this is a game. We drama'd you for how stupid you are, and you're only making it worse.

Quit being such a friend and acting like this is a game. We drama'd you for how stupid you are, and you're only making it worse.

sorry for not being aggresive mr. tough guy pls dont beat me up

sorry for not being aggresive mr. tough guy pls dont beat me up
This is exactly what I'm talking about. Get banned.

Double post.

Get banned.
nobody cares about thanksgiving here because it's stupid

woohoo we get to eat turkey.. wait I don't even like turkey

and you should know Americans have huge egos so of course they need to flaunt them. they decide to pick thanksgiving as one of those days.

User was banned for this post

He deserved every second.
he walks into a thread with an ego starting an argument then dismissing everything everyone says as a stupid comeback, pulling stuff from out his ass (Wikipedia isn't always right, who knew?) generalizing a whole nation just to seem smart, then when he get's drama'd he wants to act all cool, then he's banned.

I'm going to enjoy this Turkey Day thoroughly just for him.

Just so you know im not trying to be a richard in the following comment, just stating things.

It has come to my attention recently (months ago (also from nigahiga)) that Americans don't actually know that other people in other countries (definitely Australia) dislike them. I know one person that actually likes america, everyone stuffs on america.

america as a country is doing p bad right now

the United States of America is doing fine. there's plenty of smart innovative people here that could turn it around, just wait until the old stupid ass population expires. I'd like to see some young open representatives too, because with the system we have now, only ignorant dumbasses get elected.

While we're at it, we might as well remove the stuffty electoral voting system and give each citizen one vote. the system we have now is EXTREMELY unfair to states with higher populations in comparison to states with lower populations.

The government also needs to stop centralizing and federally controlling every aspect of out lives.

This includes but is not limited to:
Who or what we marry
What we smoke
What we do with our bodies

I'm also fed up with the subsidization system, it completely stuffs on the purpose of a "free market". The government should take it's nose out of the economy altogether, especially the banks.

Seriously, if we have to keep bailing out these stuffty banks, why don't we just destroy them all and make a federal bank? Extremely dumb. Just leave it as it is and stop bailing them out.

If the government had nothing to do with the economy at all right now, except for things like minimum wage and unions, we'd see a lot more prospect and capital in our lives.

What we smoke
What we do with our bodies

You don't have the right to kill yourself, you have the right to life and it's the government's job to protect that right at all cost, which is why it's illegal to drive without a seatbelt on even though you're the only one it's protecting.

If the government had nothing to do with the economy at all right now, except for things like minimum wage and unions, we'd see a lot more prospect and capital in our lives.

I guess you haven't studied the Wallstreet Crash of 1929 yet since you don't know why government intervention is necessary.

>Say USA is doing fine
>State like 10 lines of what is wrong with the USA

That's how to get a point across.

You don't have the right to kill yourself, you have the right to life and it's the government's job to protect that right at all cost, which is why it's illegal to drive without a seatbelt on even though you're the only one it's protecting.

I guess you haven't studied the Wallstreet Crash of 1929 yet since you don't know why government intervention is necessary.
Driving without a seatbelt is not only dangerous to you, but to everyone around you. If you don't drive with a seatbelt, you could hurt other people. That's why it's illegal, and that's why they banned smoking in public areas in some states, because it was harming the people AROUND them.

As far as what you do with your own life, the government shouldn't intervene. But if you decide that you're going to do something that could possibly harm others, the government should intervene.