Author Topic: Realistic weapons  (Read 3209 times)

A good realistic pistol with reload features would be good,but if possible to add on makers when you equip it that it doesn't reload everytime
another one is a throwing knife were when you hold down the mouse button you pull it back and when released you throw it but its not laser guided accurate but not in accurate enough to think "is he blind?"
finally a good realistic SVD sniper rifle would be good (to those who don't know SVD is the dragunov sniper,its just an abbreviated version of its full name) it would be nice if you could zoom in with it and of course ammo and reloading.
it would probably take a while to make these but I'm tired of under powered pistols and overpowered knifes but it must be hard to find a good dmg that makes sense

i remember a weapon that tried to be really realistic with textures though
i believe the releastic textures ended it up looking like this....

oh i dont care about textures i mean the weapon function the gun could look bad as long as it has good function im good

Realistic doesn't suit Blockland, you want realistic weapons ho play GMod.

Realistic doesn't suit Blockland, you want realistic weapons ho play GMod Call of duty.



We already have guns with reload features.

We already have guns with reload features.
I think he said he didn't want it to reload.

I think he said he didn't want it to reload.

A good realistic pistol with reload features would be good

Guns that reload and use ammo don't feel like Blockland guns to me. In the past, every weapon had unlimited ammo with no reloading because no one knew how to do it, but since they figured out how to, every new gun has to have it. I've been playing since V8 so it feel weird to me to have guns that reload. At first it was cool, but then it just got boring. If you want realistic guns go play some other game. Blockland's guns should be simple with simple models.

Guns that reload and use ammo don't feel like Blockland guns to me. In the past, every weapon had unlimited ammo with no reloading because no one knew how to do it, but since they figured out how to, every new gun has to have it. I've been playing since V8 so it feel weird to me to have guns that reload. At first it was cool, but then it just got boring. If you want realistic guns go play some other game. Blockland's guns should be simple with simple models.

Pretty much this.

I have no clue how to use Torque. It's a garbage language, so I never add reloading.