Author Topic: K1ng_0f_N0thing - •_•  (Read 7532 times)

Then why did you put it as if you were saying none of us but you had a life?
I was rushing while typing...

I was rushing while typing...
Then I would advise you to proofread all of your posts, especially in drama.

or just .. don't bother posting

to hell with this post... I dont give a crap anymore. :)

omg guys stfu... u guys are such guckin richardheads and asswipes.
Yes my brother did write some of those posts and ya i admit that i wtote some of them. i got the forgetin right to say whatever i forgetin feel like. ok so •_• is Nnoying. i know! but you guys can stop being these goddamn loving handicaps and blaming an 11 yr old who has a LIFE and is going through some terrible times!
also, why are you forgetin starfishs making a post about me?! Im not a goddamn noob or anything compatible.
I suggeat you stop being forgettards and go get a life instead of sitting on the computer posting on the forums for the second day straight.
(btw forget you guys)
This post made my day.

to hell with this post... I dont give a crap anymore. :)
That's just great let's throw a party.
But really is this a bannable offence?

That's just great let's throw a party.
But really is this a bannable offence?

omg guys stfu... u guys are such guckin richardheads and asswipes.
wowe ure hrt mai feelins ;_;
i got the forgetin right to say whatever i forgetin feel like.
and we have the right to call you a handicap for what you say
ok so •_• is Nnoying. i know! but you guys can stop being these goddamn loving handicaps and blaming an 11 yr old who has a LIFE and is going through some terrible times!
what happened
did someone steal your animal crackers?
also, why are you forgetin starfishs making a post about me?!
because we have the "forgetin right to forgetin post what we want" and you act stupid
Im not a goddamn noob or anything compatible.
pretty much everyone in this thread would beg to differ
I suggeat you stop being forgettards and go get a life instead of sitting on the computer posting on the forums for the second day straight.
(btw forget you guys)
i "suggeat" you not be stupid on these forums and stop calling everyone no-life forgettards
guckin richardheads asswipes forgetin forgetin goddamn loving handicaps forgetin starfishs goddamn forgettards forget
wowe ure so tuff!!

did someone steal your animal crackers?

that's not funny, those things are loving delicious

to hell with this post... I dont give a crap anymore. :)
"maybe if i pretend not to care and end my post with an ignorant smiley face they'll think im cool and leave me alone no matter how bannable dismissive posts are!"

that's not funny, those things are loving delicious
so much of this ; ;

that's not funny, those things are loving delicious
Why doesn't my school sell these anymore??!!?


ok guys for the last time im sorry! I havent been doing the stupid smiley face for my last something posts! If you guys had hearts youd do something. but no, u guys are just some dumb-assed people. Go ahead post. Be that way...

ok guys for the last time im sorry! I havent been doing the stupid smiley face for my last something posts! If you guys had hearts youd do something. but no, u guys are just some dumb-assed people. Go ahead post. Be that way...
I actually gave you some advice to help you get along. It's by your choice that you ignored it.
Also, if we didn't have hearts, none of us would be posting because we'd all be dead.

irony much?