Author Topic: [VIODESTRUCTO] Terraria CAPTURE THE GEM (CTF) Server!  (Read 8737 times)

i dont see any invites anywhere ffff im handicapped

i dont have any invites on steam and nothings showing up in the chat window

hot damn like 12 players
« Last Edit: December 18, 2011, 03:20:29 PM by james4115 »

what happen to 1 hour

has it begun and i just wasnt told

forget did i miss it?

I just quit

it was definitely fun but you know, Red was only griefed and had all their crap stolen/broken right away

meh forget it. new round maybe later

i hope im told of it next time

Remember, always plant the acorns.

This has to be planned better possibly a day or more in advance to verify people who actually want to play. A world needs to be created and balanced with either intricate or basic bases.

From what i read you tried to do it in an hour with no world with people who had no attention span or desire to play the game.

This has to be planned better possibly a day or more in advance to verify people who actually want to play. A world needs to be created and balanced with either intricate or basic bases.

From what i read you tried to do it in an hour with no world with people who had no attention span or desire to play the game.

This is how it went down, basically:

Omg 6v6 pvp this is going to be fun.
Some random forget head decides to invite his griefer friend. He forgets up red team's base.
Everyone is mad, tells him to forget off.
He destroys spawn, then is banned.
His friend gets butthurt and wears molteon armor and ruins the damn game.
blue ends up winning anyway.
what the hell.

Could I join the next one?

Could I join the next one?

Yes, when we decide to host another one, of course :)

I want in too. Soul fuggied up our last game.