Author Topic: Self harm  (Read 2924 times)

Self-harm (SH) or deliberate self-harm (DSH) includes self-injury (SI) and self-poisoning and is defined as the intentional, direct injuring of body tissue most often done without suicidal intentions.

The most common form of self-harm is skin-cutting but self-harm also covers a wide range of behaviors including, but not limited to, burning, scratching, banging or hitting body parts, interfering with wound healing, hair-pulling (trichotillomania) and the ingestion of toxic substances or objects.[2][4][5] Behaviours associated with substance abuse and eating disorders are usually not considered self-harm because the resulting tissue damage is ordinarily an unintentional side effect.[6] However, the boundaries are not always clear-cut and in some cases behaviours that usually fall outside the boundaries of self-harm may indeed represent self-harm if performed with explicit intent to cause tissue damage.[6] Although Self Delete is not the intention of self-harm, the relationship between self-harm and Self Delete is complex, as self-harming behaviour may be potentially life-threatening.[7] There is also an increased risk of Self Delete in individuals who self-harm[4][8] to the extent that self-harm is found in 40–60% of Self Deletes.

A common belief regarding self-harm is that it is an attention-seeking behaviour; however, in most cases, this is inaccurate. Many self-harmers are very self-conscious of their wounds and scars and feel guilty about their behaviour leading them to go to great lengths to conceal their behaviour from others.[5] They may offer alternative explanations for their injuries, or conceal their scars with clothing.[26][27] Self-harm in such individuals is not associated with suicidal or para-suicidal behaviour. People who self-harm are not usually seeking to end their own life; it has been suggested instead that they are using self-harm as a coping mechanism to relieve emotional pain or discomfort or as an attempt to communicate distress.

Self-harm is not typically suicidal behaviour, although there is the possibility that a self-inflicted injury may result in life-threatening damage.[50] Although the person may not recognise the connection, self-harm often becomes a response to profound and overwhelming emotional pain that cannot be resolved in a more functional way.
If you want to read more I got all this info from
Discuss your opinion and stuff about this.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2011, 08:04:58 PM by halcynthis »

I have several emo friends...

on second thought, nevermind about that.

OP, need friends? (that wasn't a sarcastic insult either)

OP, need friends? (that wasn't a sarcastic insult either)
I already have plenty.

I figured it would be nice to have a topic about this.
d be nice to have a top

im sorry i thought i clicked on the self-harm topic not the home cooked meal topic

honestly i've never seen the appeal on self-harm
maybe it's like a way-out-there-special interest but not loveual and you'd have to have done it to understand it?

>you do it because you're depressed
>depressed probably means low self esteem which is often derived from an ugly view of your body
>inflict cuts and burns and bruises on yourself
>now you're more ugly and have to wear long sleeve shirts and heavy clothing to cover up your scars

nice recipe james 10/10

Take up a sport/join a gym

im sorry i thought i clicked on the self-harm topic not the home cooked meal topic

honestly i've never seen the appeal on self-harm
maybe it's like a way-out-there-special interest but not loveual and you'd have to have done it to understand it?

>you do it because you're depressed
>depressed probably means low self esteem which is often derived from an ugly view of your body
>inflict cuts and burns and bruises on yourself
>now you're more ugly and have to wear long sleeve shirts and heavy clothing to cover up your scars

It is something that you would have had to have past experience with or some kind of thoughts of doing it to really understand. Its not so much cause they want to cut, its because they normally feel like it is helping them when they are doing it, then later on they look back at the cuts and relize that it didn't help at all, and actully made it worse.

Take up a sport/join a gym
I was going to get into some kind of sport this year but now Im only in school for 2 hours a day cause I attempted to commit Self Delete. Plus at the way way beginning of the year when I was attending the full day I slacked off on my grades, and to get into sports your grades can't be bad.

Take up a sport/join a gym


Exercise releases adrenaline and feel good endorphins.