
What is your opinion?

Should be made
16 (43.2%)
Should not be made
15 (40.5%)
Not enough uses
3 (8.1%)
3 (8.1%)

Total Members Voted: 37

Author Topic: Universal Currency Mod?  (Read 4769 times)

A blockland currency mod.

An idea that has been brewing in my head for some time now is a universal currency mod. What if you could pay someone to design and build a house for 300 BlockCoins (name is up for change, just an idea) and then head over to a casino and win 200 BlockCoins for 500, then head over to a CityRP and buy a bunch of stuff from people? It seems like a good idea to me, in theory.

This is my question to you: Would any of you use it?

I can see something like this being fun, but my issue with it is are there enough possible industries? Conversing with BigBrother, we have come up with the ones I've listed above, but is there room for BlockCoins outside of that small niche?

Some info about the mod:
- All currency data would be stored on a server. A single person could not simply open up console and add to their currency.
- All transactions would require the consent of both parties. No onPlayerTouch -> Client -> GiveMoney -> me, 9001
- A rating system would exist to warn others of possible scammers.
- A dispute system may exist. It is difficult to determine if that person did or did not give you that gun you paid for.
- Industries would NOT be controlled or manipulated by me or any other people in power. I am not going to code a sell event to guarantee you don't get scammed, or a slot machine brick that forces odds to prevent someone from making no-win machines. Other people can make these if they please using the API I would definitely code in.

Please post any ideas you have on the subject about anything. If you have a possible use in mind that might reassure me that there are indeed uses for it, please do post it.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2011, 08:50:03 PM by Slicksilver »

how to get currency data from one server to another

Slicksilver is obsessed with Bitcoins and now he wants this. True story.

Use a MySQL thing and keep money assigned by ID. Would just need to load it when entering a server and save when leaving.

I hate ideas like these.

They work for items, but when you have to pay to do what this game was made for, AKA Building,

You can go forget yourself up the butt.

Slicksilver is obsessed with Bitcoins and now he wants this. True story.
the forget i havent even looked at my bitcoin wallet in like a month

I hate ideas like these.

They work for items, but when you have to pay to do what this game was made for, AKA Building,

You can go forget yourself up the butt.
i didn't say youd pay for building wtf, if someone wants to make building cost money on their server that's their prerogative but i do not suggest or endorse this, not to mention cross server currency would be too valuable to charge for building

You can easily fake commands to the currency master server to give yourself more money.

What if you could design and build a house for 300 BlockCoins


And this. Someone would make a mod to do this.

You can easily fake commands to the currency master server to give yourself more money.

In short, Go away.

the forget i havent even looked at my bitcoin wallet in like a month

You can easily fake commands to the currency master server to give yourself more money.
How do you plan on doing this? The person you're trying to steal from would get a message asking to accept a transaction and they'd click no.

My bad. I meant if you could pay someone to build a house. Also, you should see a psychologist. You probably have autism.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2011, 08:52:29 PM by Slicksilver »

how to get currency data from one server to another

Either store the data on the client (insecure, client could grant himself 129321 coins if he wanted to), or store it on a webserver.

You've already described the system saying that a stand-alone server will host the money, and that players can sell their work and whatnot for money. My question is, how do the players get money to begin with? Will they have to visit special CityRP/Casino/etc. servers to gain the money, or will they be able to host their own server and add events that will add money? If it's the former method, who gets to run the servers that generate money?

Either store the data on the client (insecure, client could grant himself 129321 coins if he wanted to), or store it on a webserver.
Webserver is how I would do it.

You've already described the system saying that a stand-alone server will host the money, and that players can sell their work and whatnot for money. My question is, how do the players get money to begin with? Will they have to visit special CityRP/Casino/etc. servers to gain the money, or will they be able to host their own server and add events that will add money? If it's the former method, who gets to run the servers that generate money?
My idea is that each key starts with some amount just for downloading it (100 is my guess) and then there will be an interest system to cause the economy to grow in a fair way (rather than giving random amounts out to people in a lottery-like style)

Webserver is how I would do it.
My idea is that each key starts with some amount just for downloading it (100 is my guess) and then there will be an interest system to cause the economy to grow in a fair way (rather than giving random amounts out to people in a lottery-like style)

Seems fair. How would interest work?

loving HELL NO. THIS WOULD RUIN BLOCKLAND. UNLIMITED? NO. WHATEVER YOU WANT? NO. THIS WOULD BE POPULATED WITH THE PEOPLE WHO GET THE MOTHERS TO BUY THEM THIS. As if it's not already. Plus, who the forget would want this on a freebuild? I mean, what the hell? Do you think Badspot would approve of this? Plus, this might not work on Torque. I get it for City RP to City RP, but really? A universal system? Keep to your City Rps, we don't need money.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2011, 11:26:54 PM by Darkness ZXW »