Author Topic: YorkTown95's CityRPG Server v2. (Will consider re-opening this)  (Read 89486 times)

Are you wanting Jasa to build the whole map himself, or can you or he approve people to help also? I would like to help if possible.
If anybody is going to help they'll probably just be doing terrain and road lines. Boring stuff. But it could earn you admin.

If anybody is going to help they'll probably just be doing terrain and road lines. Boring stuff. But it could earn you admin.

I would be willing to help. I can't build crazy good, but road lines should be easy. Sometimes i may need a pointer or two, but I catch on really fast.

So if you need the help, just RTB or PM me

Oi. Sorry for the inactivity but I'm in such a hurry to finish all my schoolwork before summer.

If my map will stay as priority, I might get working on it next week. However I think you're more for Jasa's thing, so good luck with that.
If your decision is Jasa, I rather don't see you use any part of my map somehow. I mean like, don't use the save without asking me. Etc.

Cheers and once again sorry for the delay. :(

If anybody is going to help they'll probably just be doing terrain and road lines. Boring stuff. But it could earn you admin.

Plexious, how could you say that? Did an admin tell you or are you just guessing?

Plexious, how could you say that? Did an admin tell you or are you just guessing?

He's Jasa, aka CityRPG Super Admin, aka self-appointed boss when York isn't on, aka douche.

He's Jasa, aka CityRPG Super Admin, aka self-appointed boss when York isn't on, aka douche.
indeed. why does every decent modder have to be a self involved richardwad? it’s shameful to the art of coding.

actually, I take that back. Iban and Jasa are the only richard scripters I know.

they get alot of praise though.

indeed. why does every decent modder have to be a self involved richardwad? it’s shameful to the art of coding.
I think it's the ego

So we just think jasa is an awful person without even thinking about if he is trying to do good?  Thats pathetic. He is trying to turn a new life and help the server and you just state him as bad as iban?  I know iban is a richard that is a fact, but jasa isn't a mass richard that returns to the forums just to pick fights. He may have a past of wrong doing but I forgave him because I saw he was trying to be nice and listen to others. No one specfically is perfect, just give jasa a chance to show that he is trying to change.

Last time York's was up, he was pretty much being a richard to everyone. I got pics.

But sure, I'll go with surb. I also know that Jasa is trying to make up for himself.

Concerning the fact that he's been banned several times from the forums, as far as I know.

He settled down after a while. I'll help with terrain and such, should be pretty easy.

i can help build something.. i will do terrain if it would quicken the server opening, but id like to make a building or two for the city

So I have a question Sleven, what do you have against on Jasa? Sure he has done some stupid stuff in the past, but that does change overtime.

In the meantime, I'm already finished with school, so that means I've less stress on multi-tasking so, this should be good news.

If you reopen this, I will love you forever.