About YorkTown95's CityRPG server:YorkTown95's CityRPG was hosted back in August 2010 and ended in October 2010, we finally bring back the enjoyment of this server, YorkTown95's CityRPG was lost back in October 2010, and couple of days ago (As of 12/30/11) York has managed to find it once again and is now running normally. The server had a topic about it in the gallery section which is located in the link section.
If you like to be updated on my CityRPG Progress (If you have a SteamID), You may join the YorkTown95 Central group to stay posted.
This server is running Jasa's CRP (CityRPG mod) which this has a separate discussion, you can visit that thread that is located in the links section.
Here is a picture of the CRP Client:
This won't even disappoint anyone, but its in a work in progress (As of 2/20/12).
Back to top.Links:YorkTown95's CityRPG steam group (YorkTown95 Central)YorkTown95's CityRPG server gallery topic (August 2010)Jasa's CRP Modification discussion threadBuilding, Industrial, and Server rules (As of 1/15/2012) *
CRP Client (Required to download) *
CityRPG Wiki* This is highly recommended before you start playing on my server.
Back to top.Administration Team: (Names are linked, you can click it to go to their profile)
YorkTown95 (Host)Tx-killer (Co-Host) *
Swat725 (Co-Host)Surburb (Co-Host)Jasa (CityRPG Super Admin)^
tikitai (Super Admin)Sylvanor (Super Admin)Ipquarx (Admin)Sord213 (Admin)Sleven (Admin)Ben Grapevine (Admin)RedPikmin11 (Admin)* These users do not have a forum profile.
^ The rank "CityRPG" on the admin section is the admin of the gamemode, this person has the ability to edit the gamemode.
Back to top.Screenshots:Click for full res of 3200x1800 for desktop wallpaper.
Back to top.Fan Network:BT CrossBitch Blockland News - Has YorkTown95's city mentioned in this video
YorkTown95's CRP - Created by Surburb, one of my former Super Admin.
Yorktown95's CRP Beta Testing With Jasa - Another video created by Surburb, this is when both Jasa and Surburb testing around the server without me on, even when it was still under construction.
Back to top.Reporting a player:You have two choices to report someone from a server.
- You must send a PM to one of the following admins (Which you're welcome to PM me of course)
- Go to the YorkTown95 Central group chatroom and the admins will be waiting in there. (Even if you're banned from posting PMs, this is still a good idea.) (Eventually I'll try to convince my admins to get in the chatroom to watch any activity)
But remember you must provide proof first (Screenshots, video, anything that will help us.)
Back to top.VIP Benefits:Soon to be updated!
Back to top.Server Status:Hosting provided by
Kalphiter's Dedicated Hosting ServiceBack to top.Special thanks to:Kalphiter's Dedicated Hosting Service.
Jasa and his development of CRP.
Diggy's MetroRP server.
The people that came in playing to the server between August to October 2010.
Everyone else that is involved in this server.
Beta testers of the CRP mod.
Comments and suggestions are welcomed here, but please keep them positive.
The client has been updated.
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