Author Topic: LEGO / RTBv1.45 Decal Pack! (ADDED FACES!)  (Read 12311 times)

umm.. no they don't?
Jay, maybe you stop being butthurt over my decals and go advertise yours elsewhere?
I want feedback, not some random guy saying "OMG URS SUK LOOK AT MINE DEM BETTER"

Jay, maybe you stop being butthurt over my decals and go advertise yours elsewhere?
I want feedback, not some random guy saying "OMG URS SUK LOOK AT MINE DEM BETTER"
Well I am being butthurt, but can you argue with mine being better?  Why do you even want feedback if you didn't make these.  You just ripped them from RTB and repackaged them. 

Jirue has an ego when it comes to decals.

Well I am being butthurt, but can you argue with mine being better?  Why do you even want feedback if you didn't make these.  You just ripped them from RTB and repackaged them. 
Yeah, I ripped those, and hours of Resizing, Recoloring, Redrawing (if necessary) happened by magic.
You are so nice!

Yeah, I ripped those, and hours of Resizing, Recoloring, Redrawing (if necessary) happened by magic.
You are so nice!
Resizing is not necessary as they already come in the correct size, so if you did that you were wasting your time.
I see no "recoloring."  Whatever you did was incredibly minor.
Redrawing?  Again, I see nothing other than a bunch of mouths redone.  

Even if you apparently put "Hours" into this, it was hours of effortless work.  I could take all day to clean my house, but unless I actually put effort into cleaning it then did I do a good job?  No, my house is still dirty.  Who cares how long it took you?  Did you put effort into them?  No.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2012, 12:43:54 PM by Jay the Cartoonist »

These mouths are terrible.

GOOD LORD, I actually downloaded all of these and took a closer look at some of them.  The quality is just AWFUL, significantly worse than I thought it would be.

Look at some of the terrible edges on these things:

And that's just a couple of them, tons of them look like that!  Do you honestly call this hours of quality work?  Because that is simply just terrible.  There is no arguing with that, look at them!  You seriously managed to LOWER the quality while you ported them from RTB!  This is ridiculous.  You should honestly feel bad for releasing something this low quality and trying to pass it off and argue with someone who's been remaking RTB decals CORRECTLY for years.

for forgets sake brother, is bashing him this much really necessary?

Did you actually think those decals had quality?? Did you actually download them and look at them?? Were you just trolling me once you saw I was hating?  Seriously??


GOOD LORD, I actually downloaded all of these and took a closer look at some of them.  The quality is just AWFUL, significantly worse than I thought it would be.
<Faces with terrible edges>

Swooshy red haired grinning Lego scuba diver? Make your own???

Tony I was asking you a serious question, I think you're just trolling me.  I know that you know I make decals and I know that you know I get mad when people do this crap.  And lastly.. I know that you know those are extremely low quality.

Tony I was asking you a serious question, I think you're just trolling me.  I know that you know I make decals and I know that you know I get mad when people do this crap.  And lastly.. I know that you know those are extremely low quality.

Why don't you remake all his decals to show you are better then?

Why don't you remake all his decals to show you are better then?
I'm in the process of doing so.  :cookieMonster:
But in all seriousness I've wanted to remake all the RTB decals for a while, and I've been doing so slowly.  I'm almost done with all the Space Decals, and I already have all the Pirates and Islanders, almost all the Medievals and quite a few misc town ones.  I've got a long way to go but I will do it.
(btw they aren't his decals..)

i still fail to understand why you bashed him so much about these. i mean god damn, your tore him down to the very tee, that was a little harsh